Light and Warmth with your Twin Flame

Q. I first recognized my twin flame some 34 years ago. Since then much has happened- it was almost like unrequited love. Where I have always loved and he did not appear to return such.
Over the years our paths have taken very different but then again familiar paths. We met up physically a few months ago after a 15 year physical parting – nothing had changed.

However, I was some few weeks ago stood next to him ( not knowing it was he beside me) I felt the most sensational feeling of light and warmth with a feeling of a rope or tie pulling me towards him; when I saw it was he it came as no surprise but I have never experienced this spiritual profound and beautiful feeling before with him. It lasted a few seconds but felt like forever. This was broken when out of the blue a ten year old child standing nearby stated: ‘ she thinks that you are beautiful’ I was mortified at this remark and walked away very embarrassed. Is there an explanation for the feeling? I believe that the other half has only just awakened, my love has always been unconditional. I just know something has changed, if this makes sense? I never thought we would be together in this life but now for some strange reason I know it will happen soon…

A. The connection, the magnetism, the attraction between twin flames is always present, even when you are physically apart from one another. As your paths take different turns, they do bring you into more similar directions, because what you experience on your journey, your twin is also receiving the healing, the growth, the learning, and so much more as you go through your own steps. As you continue to walk your unique journey as you feel guided, you will move deeper in love and co-creation with your twin, which may include a physical reunion if that is in your life plan and soul intention for this lifetime. The clarity of these details will be revealed to you as you continue to move forward, however I would encourage you to stay connected to your intuitive nudges and feelings that come to you, for those are signs for you to remember what your soul chose to create, on your own and in collaboration with your twin as well as others that come along.

It is absolutely ok, more than ok really, even essential, for the expression of love to be shared with the twin flame. It is only fear that would create hesitancy for your feelings and your love to be expressed to your twin, as in the little girl saying what she said. Since you are so deeply connected to your twin and your twin is the clearest mirror for you, of who you are reflecting your essence back to you, then when you feel the love for your twin and see the beauty within him, you acknowledge this love and beauty within yourself, increasing the love you feel for both your twin and yourself. This love truly is limitless and constantly grows as you move through your relationships, experiences, creations. Enjoy each moment and let each moment guide you as to what next steps to take.

The word “soon” can get you caught up in the attachment to a specific time frame for your union in all ways, and I advise you to release the expectation and the attachment to a limitation placed on when this will happen. The perception of “soon” from the mind versus feeling from the heart are two completely different spaces. Make sure that you don’t fall into this, because all disappointments come from attaching to specific details. There does need to be a constant surrender to the flow in each moment, for each moment brings to you exactly what is necessary for preparation and guidance towards your complete immersion within the one heart of you and your twin. You move deeper into this one heart of unconditional love by seeing, feeling, believing, acting and loving from this profoundly deep space of experiencing love in everyone and everything. Enjoy this journey as the rewards are beyond description.

3 Comments on “Light and Warmth with your Twin Flame

  1. Gabriella,

    As always, your words are insightful and inspirational:

    “The word “soon” can get you caught up in the attachment to a specific time frame for your union in all ways, and I advise you to release the expectation and the attachment to a limitation placed on when this will happen. The perception of “soon” from the mind versus feeling from the heart are two completely different spaces. Make sure that you don’t fall into this, because all disappointments come from attaching to specific details.”

    As I have recounted elsewhere on your site, I had my first encounter with my Twin Flame this past December, the week before Christmas. Then on the night of New Year’s Eve, as I fell asleep, I remember receiving the intuition that I would see her again. Then, on the very next day (New Year’s Day), we saw each other again at a movie theater! Alas, we were unable to speak with one another, and I still don’t know her name…

    Anyway, I took this coincidence as auspicious, considering the date- as I believe you have written (correct me if I’m wrong) something to the effect that strange coincidences can be God’s (or the Universe’s) way of getting our attention. After reading some of your material here on your site, I then came to the belief that 2012 was going to be “our year” for physical reunion.

    After reading above that 34 years has passed for this woman between her initial meeting with her Twin Flame, and with still no physical reunion having occurred, I now realize that the time table my mind has created for myself may be overly optimistic. Then again, 2012 has only just begun, hasn’t it? 😉

  2. I agree that it is easy to get caught in attachments, expectations, and hopes, especially where a twin flame is concerned. The feeling of love and longing to express it with them is so strong that we can’t help but think reunion must happen soon. It is our fantasy while waking and sleeping. We can experience precious moments with our TFs that awaken us to the love we are, and then wonder when the next fleeting moments will happen again. How many years will go by while you think on these moments, waiting to express love fully? 34? Maybe it is only weeks or months in which each breath you draw feels like a lifetime of waiting. You do not have to wait any longer if you choose to be love’s spontaneous expression in all moments. Feel the love for your TF and then feel it expand through everything and everyone without boundaries. You are love, nothing more, nothing less.

  3. I want to see my TF again, but the true is that I don’t know yet how to approach him. It will be so easy for me just going to his building with some excuse and be there until I find out about him. I know where he likes to hung up (study room), He used to be there, until I finished my second class. A couple of times I noticed that I soon, he saw me coming out from my second class he used to go out and see me go. But, there is something blocking me to do so. But today, I took a baby step; I subscribed myself to the students’ blog with my first name( he knows my first name), I posted a photo of a fairy with a long black hair and sandals. I usually weare sandals. I wrote a short description of me, He knows, I’m engineer. I really, don’t know what I’m doing…..I just, know that this separation has been magnifying the feelings I inicially felt for him. I’m not worry about “soon” I think, that even if I wish to see him again if this is meant to be, I will happen sowhere in space or time.