Contact Me

Thank you for reaching out! I believe in creating an intimate connection between each other and because of this, I want to directly share with you. I created my website and all the facets of it with the intention of encouraging your growth, awakening your remembrance and supporting you along your journey of uncovering and discovering the love you are so you can let it flow into expression and creation.

Let’s connect and reflect our lovebeams!

    4 Comments on “Contact Me

    1. Greetings Gabriella,

      I wanted to let you know that the reading you gave me in 2014, has now come into fruition.

      During the reading you asked me if did public speaking? And you saw people paying to hear me speak. I had no idea what you were talking about, as at the time I was a fashion stylist awakening to a twin flame journey.

      I booked my first guest speaking gig online at a well known university!!! It’s only the beginning.

      I know how important it is as a reader ( I started doing psychic tarot readings for the last two years) for the feedback of clients and I wanted to make sure I shared this with you.

      Thanks Again!

      You have a wonderful gift.

      Kind Regards,


    2. Dear Gabriella,
      I have read Lea-Ann and Cory Peters’ ebook EternalLove, where I met your name and read that you have been writing a second book about The Path of Union Consciousness. I tried to find the book on your website or elsewhere on the internet, but I haven’t found it.
      Please inform me if I can buy it on any page or maybe you are still writing it? πŸ™‚
      This topic calls me very much in this period of my life and I would like to learn more about this topic, and your book made me curious.
      With love, best regards,
      Szilvia from Hungary

    3. Hi Szilvia,

      I’m glad you connected with me and my work. I have taken a break from being fully active on this website because I have been going through a deeper inner journey for some years now. That’s what this twin flame journey invites us to do πŸ™‚ that being said, I am still writing the book you are referring to, and it has been changing shape throughout these years, and writing itself as I continue to walk the journey. Please do stay connected. I will let everyone know when the book is fully written and published.

      Sending much love and blessings to you!

    4. Melissa,

      Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing what has transpired since the reading you had with me πŸ™‚ as you know, and shared, it is ALWAYS a blessing to know about something that came through in a reading coming into form in one’s reality. What a joy that you are now speaking, doing readings yourself, and going on this blessed journey to share your experiences and wisdom with others that resonate. Continued good luck on your path. Stay connected as you feel guided. Yay! I’m so happy for you!

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