Soul Mate and Twin Flame Love

Q. I have an interesting question for you: what does one do if they are already married but then meet their twin flame but it is not their spouse?

A. What is your heart telling you? I have been receiving this type of concern, though different variations of experiences, a lot recently. When we are sharing love with another, and connecting with the love inside of us, we can draw our twin flame to us, so it is not surprising that many who are in soul mate relationships are now physically encountering their twin flame. Soul mate relationships are elemental in the journey leading up to the twin flame, to prepare to receive our twin flame, to be in deep relationship in the space of unconditional love with no expectations, assumptions, conditions or separation behaviors and mentality. There is karma what we work through with our soul mates to release before we enter into our love with our twin flame.

Since our soul mates are part of our soul family and our connection with our twin flame only enhances these connections as well as includes them, for we are all coming back together to love deeper, then any relationship with a soul mate needs to transition with the utmost love. There would be no regrets, no ego, no rushing for the twin flame knows and understands the need for love in each moment, with each person and with each situation or relationship.

I would connect with your heart for your heart will truly never steer you wrong. How are you feeling? Have you expressed your feelings with your soul mate and your twin flame after you have become clear of them yourself?

This is a perfect reason/situation that would benefit from having a session (s) with a relationship life coach. If you want to go this route, I am available.