Shared Dreams with my Twin Flame

Q I have experienced (shared?) more than 15 (and counting) dreams where my twin flame was a part of the dream… could she be sharing the same dream if she is involved in the dream?

A This is a question that I think all of us have wondered about at least once. Dreams are an interesting phenomena, and usually offer us messages. I have to say that most of my dreams have had other people in them for I don’t believe I can recall any at the moment where it was just me. Now, as I mention a lot through my other blogs, twin flames have a very deep connection and are always with each other, even when they aren’t physically by each others sides. Dreamtime is no different. In dreams, the soul is able to travel freely without the body. Knowing this, it is easier to see how you can absolutely travel to be with the soul of your twin during sleeptime since you are completely comfortable with one another and being together offers peace.

To understand this a bit further, you may want to know why we dream with our twin. In order to physically reunite with our twin flames, we need to release the ego, we need to be clear to acknowledge and accept our joint mission we will be taking on in service to humanity with our twin. So, in dreams, we meet to remember the energy of our twin, to add encouragement and reassurance that this twin exists, to merge energies so that in waking time we feel stronger as well as being able to recognize our twin in the physical, and to release the ego with support from our twin.

I can recall many dreams that I had with my twin where I could feel and sense my inner thoughts and feelings that were present and in those dreams, my twin was there, offering me his energy and support on a soul level, while giving me the opportunity to release what I needed to, and in addition I was doing the same for him.

Now to answer your question, yes, your twin is also sharing the dream with you. It depends on how consciously aware she is to fully know in awake time that she had the dream, and with you, but on a subconscious level, her soul is absolutely aware of this. It will be interesting, when you do physically reunite and share these dreams together to receive her perception and experience of them.

It is also interesting to note, that there are other souls who are a part of our journey that can come into our dreams with our twin, supporting us and offering their encouragement too. I do believe in soul contracts, where we plan before physical incarnation to encounter certain souls for whatever reason we chose to, and so we do have those that assist us on our journey of reunion with our twin flame in physical life that also can travel to be with us in these dreams.

I can recall one dream I had where my mother was in the dream (and she has been such a strong support structure for me regarding the awareness of my twin and the journey of physical reunion)…however I didn’t know this until the following morning. I told her about the dream I had, and she was telling me her dream, and it was obvious that she was in the dream, but we were not physically by each others side. That to me, was a concrete confirmation that dream travel with other souls does happen to those that are in the dream, and as we become more and more aware, we can tap into this consciously… 😉

Do you feel as though the dreams seem more “real” sometimes than your direct “reality?” I have been finding this to be the case more and more as my dreams progress with my twin flame.

4 Comments on “Shared Dreams with my Twin Flame

  1. when I first got together with my late partner we were living separately and one night shared the same dream in which he was speaking to his late wife and i was outside looking in and could hear them….I didnt know about twin flames until 3 months ago.

  2. I had a dream in Nov 2013 about my friend and I. He and I had this unusual connection from the very start. I knew he loved me and that I loved him deeply but we could never seem to fit into the mold of a traditional relationship. The connection was super confusing and intense. In my dream I was in a semi sleep state. I felt like I was barely asleep. I remember the dream in great detail as if it really happened but to shorten it…he pulled me onto him and we layed there for what felt like a long long time just holding each other. I was rubbing his shoulders and his back. I could feel him as if he was physically there for real. At one point I started to wake up and said no I want to stay. I was allowed to stay longer. I documented the dream the next day because it was so real and I remembered it very well. A while later he mentioned that he was having the weirdest dreams lol We are still close but haven’t talked in a month and I have since stumbled on this twin flame thing. I have never believed in such things but I do now. For now I am just waiting for his running to stop. I can still feel him. I hope we have more dreams like this one 🙂

  3. I met my twin flame over a yr ago and when we met we just knew when we looked at each other. We are now married and have been for 2months. On our 2months of being married together we both cuddled and fell asleep normal in bed ..we both woke up same time to reacting to our single dream we shared together. It was so intense and very detailed and when we woke we compared notes and subconscious woke up periodically during whole dream. It was absolutely amazing and we believe our souls linked and we have more of a sense for esch other and don’t want to leave each others side now. I was so excited when I noticed we aren’t the only one with seeing we are not the only ppl who have had this experience.