Be in The Moment and Watch What Happens
I can’t stress enough how important it is to be in the moment. When you are in the moment, you are open to noticing the signs that the universe sends your way to guide you to your chosen destiny. Therefore, you can then take action, walking the path to each step as the awareness comes to you, and fully taking in all that you meant to in the experiences that you are living right now, as they occurring, in the moment. Since all of us are intuitive beings, we may get information that allows us to know what our next step is ahead of the time that we are experiencing it. This can be hard at some times, because it can create excitement to be in that moment instantly, right now, however, it is very important to nonetheless at this time, be in the experience of your creation right now. Right now is giving you the experience, the growth, the capacity to grow stronger within your knowledge and application of unconditional love. Those steps are what will aid you on your path to the next step, the next step, and the one after that. You don’t want to cheat yourself so to speak by missing out on all the opportunities for enjoying life that are right before your eyes. As you enjoy who you are right now and where you are right now, you are creating the energy which attracts more of what you desire to experience, and you will naturally walk into your next step. I mean, literally walk into it. And as you notice the arrival and the guidance of this next step, you will know what action you need to take. You will be inspired to act. This will create a continuous abundance of ecstasy and excitement within you for being alive and enjoying life to its full capability. We are spiritual beings having a human experience so that we can feel our spiritual essence that much stronger and increase our emotions of gratitude/appreciation for the experience of life and creation we chose to be a part of.