Merging of Souls

A man among men, desire and truth at the forefront of his being,
All the while resisting the urge to destroy his will, to become part of the other, which holds his strength,
pushing away the opportunity to become intimate, to merge with the spirit of what is natural, combining masculine and feminine energies equally.

It is the realization that you can lose yourself at the same time you find yourself that can be frightening, a bit intimidating.
If you think of this in extremes, you may become excited with every ounce of your being because honestly, no one ever said you needed to give up freedom or who you are to immerse the core of you into the core of another.

The immersification of both energies can just add to who you are and intensify the anticipation of the future of who you may become.
Realize that you are who you are yet you can be more than that and other energies can aid greatly in that regard. Remember who you are, and in so doing, remember who I am.