Grant Me a Higher Love

Grant me a Higher Love: How to Go from the Relationship from Hell to One that’s Heaven Sent by Scaling the Ladder of Love
by Cindi Sansone-Braff

I am very passionate about relationships and in particular, the Ladder of Love, as I do feel that we have more than one soul mate (mirror souls) and the ultimate relationship is the one of the twin flame. Cindi does a beautiful job of bringing to the readers awareness how to move from a lower rung of love to a higher love. She shows how important it is to be ready to fully be committed to this love with all of your body, mind, soul and spirit, constant surrendering to the flow, the guidance, the deep love in every moment. You will feel a deeper awareness opening as you turn each page, moving you into the vibration of welcoming in this higher love you have been craving for a long time.

You will learn about what unconditional love really is and how to choose the highest love, understanding what behaviors exist on the lower rungs of the ladder. It is when we know that we can then choose what we desire to experience, and when we can see our patterns, we can shift out of them to choose another way.

We are now in the Age of Aquarius and more of us will be reuniting with our twin flames in service to the world…this is exciting…and what it takes is a profound intention towards healing all parts of ourselves, our previous individual karma as our twin does the same…