Underlying Everything is Love: There is Only Love
Do you believe that there is only love? How about in the midst of what we call tragedy, abuse, violence? I’m going to go into detail on just how things that may be seen as negative are actually beautiful opportunities to grow, heal, love deeper and so much more. I’ll be sharing on soul contracts, the perfection of every relationship, situation, experience, adding onto the powerful layers of divine creation, of being alive in these human bodies.
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WOW. What a powerful message! It is difficult for me to imagine feeling love for someone who had hurt you they way that they did, Gabriella.
Hi Christopher!
I understand the reluctance to move into the space of feeling love for one that has “abused” someone, especially if it is done to you, but when you see the growth, the healing, the ways in which it allows the soul to step into the power of giving and receiving love, knowing that all of us are connected, interconnected and players in each others lives for many deep reasons, then it is easier to move into seeing that underlying it all is love 🙂 I know that this can be difficult, and I have had my own process with this, but I have also had this certain intense level of understanding of the “roles” and “reasons” why we are here…which has led me into doing what I do now, we always have these little nudges of what we have contracted to do in a lifetime, and if we are open, we can see it.
Hi Gabriella,
You know how sometimes you open a book and read exactly what you need to? Your show was like that. I have been stuck for a long time with a belief that anything I do or am isn’t good enough and have been looking for a way to clear this. I needed to do this for myself, but also to allow for a better balance, equality and acceptance in my TF relationship. I was in a challenging relationship that ended 12 years ago. I know that at a soul level I do love the other person involved, so that part of your show wasn’t new to me. And I know how necessary it is to forgive. So I sent this person an email, not to confront them. No, simply the act of reaching out was intended to release us both from pain and resentment I had held. The person’s response was wary at first until they realized I held no resentments and really did wish them well.
Later in the evening I was talking with my TF about a project I had done, and I was listening to all the suggestions he was making about how he would have done it differently. The old voice of “you’re not good enough” was coming into my thoughts and I was starting to react to his “criticisms.” Suddenly it was crystal clear what had been happening ever since I was very small, and most painfully in the old relationship that I had just finally released. I had been substituting “not good enough” every time someone wanted me to be different, do things differently, change who I am. My dear TF approaches things so completely opposite to how I do that it became wonderfully obvious: unique is not the same as “not good enough” I need to do things my way and he needs to do things his way so that we meet in the middle with something so much better than either can manage on our own. And I am so grateful-to you and your show, the person from the past, and my own perfect, divine complement.
I am so happy that you have found exactly what you needed within the show…believe me, it has been powerful for me also! Very liberating to the soul and refreshing to the mind when seeing from the spiritual, unconditional loving space of seeing that underlying it all is truly love. I had a lot of emotional releasing as I mentioned in regards to seeing through the many layers of perception to the core of this truth through my experience I shared in the show…and it is a powerful. Such a pleasure to know that you received from it as well!