I Love You

~by Selene Aswell

I love you.

Do you know what that means?

It means that,
when I feel you,
I feel the vibration of Love, the vibration which is the essence of all

It means that,
when I feel our connection,
I know (completely) that there is no end of me or beginning of you.
You are what I am.
What I AM, you ARE.
Your body is mine, your pain, mine.
Your joy and passion- my own expressions of life.
Our molecules, our selves, our essences swirl together, dancing strands of
DNA. . .

When I heal myself, I heal you. When you forgive yourself, you forgive me.

When you draw breath, over come with the intense beauty before you,
I, too, see what you see.
I, too, relish in awe of creation.

When you touch yourself, it is I that gives you pleasure.
When you reveal in ecstasy, it is I that shudders within you.

When I say, “I Love You,”
I am attempting to share with you the depth of my adoration.
I worship you.
I sunbathe in the GodLight which emanates from the core of you.

I AM the Reflection of ALL YOU ARE, of ALL THAT IS.

And when you love me,
when I feel your adoration, your affection, your implicit trust and delight
in ALL I AM (which you are)
my being explodes in delight, unable to contain the pure joy of receiving
you, receiving me.

That is what lovemaking is.

Together, we create more than we are as individuals.
Love teaches us it is impossible to be individuals.

When you love me,
when you feel my love,
you are loving every being that I love.

When you say, “I Love You,”
you acknowledge this inherent Truth:

Everything is the same thing.
There is no separation.
Existence is the purest joy, magnified beyond comprehension.

So, when I say what I am about to say,
please try to understand the depth of my meaning.

I Love You.

6 Comments on “I Love You

  1. Dearest Gabriella,
    Thanks for bring this out !it is too beautiful and love has been expressed so deeply yet so simply.
    Love to all !!

  2. This is beautiful, thank you for sharing and you really described what “I love you” means.
    “And when you love me,
    when I feel your adoration, your affection, your implicit trust and delight
    in ALL I AM (which you are)
    my being explodes in delight, unable to contain the pure joy of receiving
    you, receiving me.” Yes, that is it. Much love!

  3. Thank you, Gabriella, for everything you do to assist and LOVE US Twin Flames right into our Full Reunions! And thanks for blog-posting this poem, I was now able to re-post it on my Google+ page for My Beloved! =) Bunches of Love to You and Your Twin, Laura Geralyn

  4. I am in a state of shock. I had an experience today where I feel for a boy who is something special to me. Just dunno what he is yet 😉

  5. Dearest Gabriella,

    truly wonderful, so wonderful …. this is love, yes ….. this is true unconditional divine love …

    I’m sending waves of love and light to everyone reading this and to all of our twin flames and way beyond …

    Somehow this love keeps expanding and wants to be shared with so many …. we’re indeed creating a new world by this, as you said, dearest Gabriella 🙂
