Surrender into the Divine Flow of the Perfection That Is

Q. Is constant surrendering , BEing, all you need to do to have them come around at the divine time? Does this rejection happen often on the twin flame journey?

A. There is nothing that you have to do but BE yourself and constantly keep opening to discover all the pieces that make you YOU, opening your heart to the depth of love that is you, for as you do this, the desire to express this love increases and you more profoundly with each new moment, relationship, experience, become this love for yourself and those that come along your path. The path of joining in all ways with your twin flame is this path of releasing all of the illusions of what love is not so that you remember the truth of all that love is. Through this process, you remember that love is never separated from its essence, and that separation is the illusion, which then brings the focus from the physical merging with your twin flame into the expansion of love present within each moment as you bring your love into creation within your own unique way, IN each moment. You continue to understand that this love grows ever closer (the “destination”) by you moving in alignment with it ~ as the journey merges you into the experience of this oneness that already is…you are experiencing the love and oneness that you are, already with all that is and your twin flame. Divine timing is so much a part of this…as you cannot force the full reunion until the perfect moment that it is meant to occur, whether it be in this lifetime or not. Treating every person as your twin flame, with the depth of love that you hold there within you, that IS you, is the path of serving this love to ALL. Please don’t take your twin not choosing to be with you now or acknowledging your love as rejection, consider looking at it as an experience that draws you back within yourself to feel and more profoundly connect to the love that you ARE and that IS you. That is why many twins do separate physically before coming back together or why twins are apart before coming together…the essential thing here is breaking away from the limited patterns of loving for that is not the true, unconditional, eternal love that is…those are the illusions we are meant to break away from. This is a path of union, YES, but it is equally a path of oneness and love with the self…and both need to be honored. Allow them to bring you deeper into love instead of bring you into separation….notice how you feel in each moment, for your feelings are pointers for you to recognize where you are…and to remind you to choose love again, and again, and again, endlessly.

1 Comment on “Surrender into the Divine Flow of the Perfection That Is

  1. Dearest Gabriella,

    I love your answer and especially this:

    “The path of joining in all ways with your twin flame is this path of releasing all of the illusions of what love is not so that you remember the truth of all that love is.”

    Yes, and I am choosing love, love and love again <3

    Waves of sweet love and light to you and all