The Law of Opposites is Actually in Support of You

Have you heard of the law of opposites? I was talking to a friend the other day about signs that the universe sends us as we go along our path of life. When you notice signs, you are able to use them to determine if you are on the right path and also to know the next step upon your chosen path. Well what happens when you encounter resistance or the opposite of what you desire along your path? How do you feel when you notice this resistance? Do you give up or do you continue along your way?

What is the law of opposites? Well, you may have heard about the law of attraction in that like energy attracts like energy, however opposites also attract each other. The reason for this is different. It is clear to see that like energy attracts like energy because the frequency and vibration that is being emitted attracts a similar vibration. But we can get confused as to why opposites attract. Let’s go into some detail. Let me tell you a scenario that has occurred for me. In the summer of 2007, I confirmed that I was going to move from Massachusetts to California for the many signs of the universe were guiding me to do this for various reasons. I live my life day by day as I am always provided for and when I have a strong knowing feeling about something, I don’t doubt, I just take action. So, I began to sell my things, go through the motions of moving, though I have never visited California before, nor did I have a job set up or an apartment to live in. At this point, I received a lot of resistance from my family and friends as to how I was going to survive and be able to do this when I have nothing planned. However, my feeling was that everything was going to work out and that I would be guided along the path.

Was it easy? No, because of all the resistance I received, I went through a lot of emotional stress, however it helped me to confirm to myself what I was doing, why I was doing it, to make my feelings and beliefs stronger, and I was able to notice the many signs that the universe was still sending to bring me to California. The opposite of what you want to experience will come to you when you place an intention into the universe so that you have the opportunity to experience the opposite place of being, the opposite place of feeling, the opposite vibration. Why you ask? This is so that you can be absolutely clear with yourself and the universe that what you had originally asked for IS truly what you desire. When you reaffirm that this is what you desire, then the universe will take action to continue to guide you, to bring you to the right people, situations, etc to make what you desire to come true in your physical reality.

You have a choice when you notice the opposite appearing before you in your life. You can give up and decide that perhaps you weren’t supposed to do that, have that, be that anyway or you can use it as a contrast to what you want to make your feelings/beliefs stronger and continue on your chosen path. Believe me, you are always supported, ALWAYS supported, even when you are in a place of doubt and sadness…having bumps along the way is normal because we are human, but once you get out of them and open your eyes again, you will notice another sign and another, guiding you and supporting you.

Don’t give up…the rewards are so wonderful if you continue along your path, despite any resistance you may receive. Change the way you perceive resistance, and your experience of your journey will change…

1 Comment on “The Law of Opposites is Actually in Support of You

  1. Dearest Gabriella ~

    Such a beautiful confirmation of being guided by the universe within the field of opposites. We just talked about this on air this evening on Wings of Love Radio Show. And what a blessing to see this now in print from you.

    The universe is like a catalog waiting for us. What we ‘order’ is there the moment we ‘order’ it, the delays are almost always due to our being free from believing in each moment regardless of what the outer world of illusions brings to us, that it is, that such moment that such will arrive whatever it is that we desire. Yet, at the same moment, we cannot do treatment for a particular other person to enter our life because that interrupts the Divine Free Choice of another. What we can manifest immediately though is the lover we inwardly crave to manifest immediately who does want such a OneSoul relationship with us, we can know and understand beyond all knowing and understanding that such a lover will show up in our life immediately if our faith is aligned with that desire. It can occur that instantaneously if you are in alignment with the belief within your heart; believing with all your heart that it is so…. that what you desire is, no illusions, no manufacturing anything, just that what you desire just simply is already, and is free from attachment to the how or when it will come into being, just knowing beyond all knowing, understanding beyond all understanding that the vision is to be, because it already is. This comes the moment we take the leap of faith, holding a vision in our heart of our intentions having already manifested. It takes that leap of faith, the leap of faith of moving beyond the illusions of self sabotage into that place of inner knowing and inner understanding first and then experiencing what already is that you have the inner knowing and inner understanding of. For in those moments of doubt and fear, they are simply there to remind us to get clear and reaffirm once more who we are and what we desire and to believe within it with all are heart.

    For fear and doubt are illusions. Illusions of the mind we can retreat and flee from, illusions hurt and get hurt in relationships, but Love, absoulutely not, there is no retreat from Love, there is no hurt in Love…. as the question always in each OM, each One Moment is ‘What Would Love Do Now?’

    Thank you for such a beautiful confirmation and yes we resonate in this same space with you.

    Namaste and Love always ~
    Chris Madsen and Patti Diamond