On this Hallows Eve, if you Hide, Allow Yourself to Receive

To all of you, through my experiences, moving into the oneness and wholeness of all things, I can no longer see things as one way or the other, for all is ONE, and my vision has expanded to see and include all pieces that balance into the ONE piece. I have had my share of connecting with loved ones in the various masks that we can place upon our expression of love, literally with actual masks (since it is Halloween) yet also through the parts of us we choose to share and those we keep hidden. I have come to understand the beautiful way that this hiding brings about a remembrance of our connection, our knowing, our tapping into the essence of one another beyond the surface, for in hiding, I have discovered the unspoken, inherent interweaving of presence and love through the energy beyond the visual.

All things serve their purpose, all experiences truly do…and when you discover what you are meant to remember, to discover through an experience and you love yourself and the other into the balance with the wholeness and oneness that such awakening brings about, then you honor the journey and you move into a deep sense of gratitude for choosing to experience what the soul already knows ~ to bring the essence and presence of your spiritual and physical pieces into union with each other.

Through all of my personal experiences with “hiding,” and how the universe so lovingly, sweetly and creatively keeps bringing my attention to this, I can say that I AM loving myself, my twin flame, all of us into the light of divine, sacred love that knows that in hiding it is found and in fully expressing the love that is discovered through such hiding, brings about a very intense, profound desire to merge with all that has been awakened. To move from hiding into the light of the truth of your magnificence beyond form and in form, to open all aspects of who you are, balancing it within and without. Let’s move into the sweetness of our true and pure vibration, to show all of who we are…and what better day to honor such than on Halloween, which is known for its focus on hiding 😉

Sending you all such sweet waves of love from my heart to yours,
~Gabriella Hartwell