Awaken to Divine Love: Interview with Scott Grace


~ Scott’s website ~

In this interview with Scott Grace, we shared on many aspects of moving through transitions within the journey of life, through relationships, career shifts, and so much more. We focused on the dance of balance brought through in all areas. Scott shared some spontaneous musical inspiration, playful, carefree, poetic and FUN!

May what we shared herein inspire you and remind you that we are all walking this journey together. Never, ever are we alone. You are always riding the waves of the ocean, in union with the flow of its fluid elements, immersed within the oneness we are. May you take your experiences within those waves, into expression and creation, offering inspiration to those who witness your uniqueness.

Always in profound love,
~Gabriella Hartwell

3 Comments on “Awaken to Divine Love: Interview with Scott Grace

  1. Dear Gabriella: Did you see the movie “Still breathing (1997) in youtube? It is wonderful, I like to watch this kind of movies…
    Blessings to you and everybody

  2. Hi Joana,

    I haven’t watched that movie, but it definitely sounds like one I would enjoy! 🙂 thanks for the suggestion. Sending warmth and blessings your way!