You Can Feel Your Twin Flame Right Now

Q. Is it possible to still feel your twin flame even though neither of you have never met or spoken before? And how can you be certain if you will meet your twin flame in this lifetime?

A. Yes, it is absolutely possible, and inevitable, that you will feel your twin flame if you have not met or interacted in this lifetime yet. The reason why is because your twin flame is a reflection of you, an extension of your energy and who you are. When you get more in tune with who you are, the more you are able to connect and feel your twin flame. However, if you are open, you can feel your twin flame even before you get further along the path of getting in touch with who you are, remembering your passion which leads you into your life purpose…because your energy is merely something you need to connect with, a discovery in a way. Tapping into this feeling of your twin within you is what helps you to recognize him when he is standing right in front of you.

In order to determine if you will meet with your twin flame in this lifetime, again, it takes a connecting within you…for you can tap into what your soul has intended with your twin flame in this particular lifetime. How to do this? The first step is to believe that you can have the deepest love that you can imagine, and know that you will recognize that soul when he is standing in front of you. Determine what you are passionate about and enjoying doing, what makes you tick, and then bring all of that into your life. At the perfect moment, you will know more information…how it works is that you are going along your path, being yourself ever more fully with each step, and then when the next step is upon you, you will be guided. This is why I teach how important it is to be in the moment, honoring every relationship and experience along the way, for all that you learn is so important and essential to taking the next steps along your journey. Establish and hold true to the deep faith of knowing that what has come to your awareness when it comes has come for the purpose of reminding you (giving you clues so to speak) of what you desire to experience and create in this lifetime, and because of that, the universe wants to support you in bringing it into full manifestation within your life, but there is also a process as everything needs to unfold as it does to be completely ready for the rest of the journey. We arrive at a destination and then we begin again when we get there…continuous growth, love, and creations in this experience on Earth.

Be in the moment and allow yourself the excitement that each moment holds…so much beauty in each step. Always be open to seeing this truth…

137 Comments on “You Can Feel Your Twin Flame Right Now

  1. Very true. The twin is always with us anyway, even when s/he is on the other side, and not intended to meet us physically in this lifetime. We can still have a relationship with them that is very meaningful and real. I called mine back to me a couple of years ago, and now he is around me constantly in a very tangible way, so I know it can be done. I think many twins are not incarnated together at the same time, so there is really no need to wait to meet them – you may be able to do it right now!

  2. Anna,

    You are right in that not all twin flames are incarnated at the same time, hence how you can still feel the connection right now, at anytime. Another thing to mention is that one is never “waiting” for the twin flame…by getting more in touch with oneself connects one more fully and completely with the twin flame. Such a glorious infinite seesaw of feeling love for oneself and then the twin…a blog post soon to come on this in more detail.

  3. this is a very interesting site, and the first i have responded to, and i have searched many.
    i now know that i met my twin in 2008; he was the dr./surgeon who saved my life when i was taken to the hospital &had to have emergency surgery; that’s right.. i had never heard of the twin flames; and it was almost a year after this whole life changing experience that someone told me this could be what was going on….i have learned alot since then, most recently, a psychologist in practice who is also a professor @ our esteemed university here and, a powerful psychic confirmed for me that he is my twin flame; i am very fortunate to have someone like her close by, who knows my situation, and whose words have brought me some peace. i thought maybe i was just loosing my mind for a while.. but what i want to say is, this spiritual phenomenon is real; and not some new age lonely-hearts dating craze; it is ancient, and requires alot of one to become their best self; to make contact with the higher self, and one is driven to do this.i am married to a soul mate, so my life has been a powerful road of transformation and healing for a long time; sometimes this new and amazing gift i have received is difficult to carry alone; it is also an incredible and exhilarating challenge i have been given, to become more, and to know that kind of love is there for me. i hope this touches someone out there and gives you peace.

  4. I have a question. During the time of a seperation, are the twin flames able to gauge each others emotions at that moment. For instance, if I’m feeling a lonliness and a longing to be with my twin are they feeling that as well? Sometimes when just thinking/longing of my twin it feels like I have conversations in my head with him. I repeatedly tell him in our conversations that I miss him and I love him. And in some funny way, it feels like he misses me as well. I don’t know what to make of it because I don’t know if I’m being obsessive, or is this acutally happening? I have never had this experience within in other relationship. However, during this seperation in knowing that there is a need for self love and healing of any issues that I have had in the past. Could someone please tell me if they have ever experienced this?

  5. James-With my TF, I can’t say for sure that we gauge each other’s emotions during separation. But I can say that he is very much in my heart and head, constantly. Conversations in your head with your TF? Yes, of course. Are you worried that other people will think you are being obsessive? Try explaining to a spouse that you have met your TF, and he is in your dreams every night. Your reality is what you experience. I experience an ongoing conversation/connection with my TF, so for me, it is real and doesn’t fit neatly in a conventional relationship box. Have you ever tried shutting out your TF?-from your thoughts, dreams, etc? I have, and it doesn’t work. Don’t deny your truth, your love, your passion.

  6. Thank you so much for your response. I could not imagine what is like to be in your situation. But thank you for letting me that I am not the only one that feels this. I just don’t know if my TF realizes it or what he might be thinking, we are seperated and not in contact. I dont want to scare him away or intrude. I have not tried to shut him out, but it was suggested that I just let it go and work on me. Any emotional issues I have to address before anything. I know it is going to be a journey but it will be well worth it. When one those waves of depression or sadness comes, I just repeat, “I believe in love, I believe in love,” over and over again. I think with my heart.

  7. I will call myself Destiy because thats what it is and no youa re not crazy and no others will not understand what you are going through because there are so many people out there is quick to call someone crazy but if they are not on a spiritual level and in touch with there higherslef they will not understand. Y ou see i know about the spiritual realm and allof that but when this guy came across my path which i have known for quit sometime but when he really came cross my path it throw me for a loop and when i asked why me? he replied becasue i was different you see i see a person for that inner person not for the person who is on the outsdie once you get to know that inner person the soul of a person than yo know that person and i have been feeling all kind of different kinds of feelings speaking to myself just feeling another person since we cross path no knowing that he was my twin flame until i start searching on material about that subject and it gave me a better understanding of what i was feeling and why i was feeling the way i where. There is one thing you must know God is in control and we must just step aside and let God do the work he have to do in order for you and your TF to be together no matter what otehrs may sid or think remember God is the one that have put this in place and he know when the time is right for TF to come together. But we must have all of our karma clean and ready for the level that God wants and need for the TF to come together.

    remember yes you can feel your TF everything at time you just have to stay still and let it take charge but when you feel you TF negative or emotions thats not good you need to speak to him/her as if you are speking to a person in front of you and shift that negative into positive energy. because the need us just as we need them, trust me its for real and he more you open yourself up to it the highter you will be in tune with your higherself and God. always remember its the will of God.

  8. James- I am not advising you to “let it go”. That is entirely up to you and your heart should guide you best. I’m going to ask you a question: how important is it for you that your TF verbally acknowledges that you have a special connection? Is it enough that you know it? I’m not being critical, because I would absolutely be ecstatic if my TF ever brought up the idea in a conversation. I just recognize that we are two perfect pieces of a puzzle and that asking him for validation doesn’t make a lot of sense. What if he thought it was complete nonsense? Would you suddenly doubt what you know to be true? If you think about it, most of us in romantic situations are afraid to declare our love for another person out of fear that they do not feel the same way about us. With your TF, you just love them, period. As for scaring your TF away, I doubt you could. At the very least, at an unconscious level, a soul level, he will know what you are to him. You will know the right time to contact him again. You can be brave and strong and a master of your emotions. You have brought your TF into your life because of a deep desire for your other half…just think how strong and powerful you already are to have accomplished this and even to recognize the connection for what it is. You are seeing light and truth among the shadows. I like your mantra “I believe in love, I believe in love” I have my own for dispelling the fear and correcting negative thoughts: “Ho’oponopono”, although I usually say it as “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”

  9. Sidney- No matter how much I try to forget, deny, doubt the connection between my TF and I, it seems to be impossible. I would often ask am I looney, fatal attraction, what the hell is going on with me. Why is it I think about this person everyday without fail. I have my bouts with feeling disappointed, angry and,depression. I always come back to that feeling in my heart when we first met, Always.I had a dream about him the other night, and even though I knew was a dream, it felt just like I was right by his side. I have never felt that before. It was a comforting feeling. I’m learning its a tug of war between the mind and the heart. The heart wins all of the time. As for the question, I don’t think that I have to ask the question. I think the point is not to get to technical about the name. But he has acknowledge that we belong together. Also , playfully, way before knowing anything about TF, I was asking him did he feel like it was weird that we get along so well, perfect, like wonder twins ( since both have a thing for superheroes, lol). Its just now the egos are in the way, mine is diminishing since remembering the love. I BELIEVE IN LOVE.

  10. Thank you for responding. You can’t imagine what a relief it is to talk to someone about this.

  11. I have been with my TF…sadly he passed away a month ago 🙁
    A psychic at first thought us to be soulmates, but the deeper she delved she believed us to be TFs..she said that he would not incarnate again.
    We had a deep connection..we even “shared” a dream together and when he was in pain

    we had already touched each other’s lives twice, but were not meant o be.then the 3rd time we came together for 14 wonderful years, which ended only in his death (we were forced apart by his selfish son for 5 months prior..but he asked for me towards the end). some amazing things happened after he passed…he came to me that morning to show me he was still around as he promised he would…the day after he was here all day…the room was warm, serene and filled with the most intense love I have ever experienced…he told me before he passed he would be waiting for me on the other side when my time comes.

  12. Vikki,

    Thank you for sharing! I hope that you know that your deep connection that you had with your twin flame will continue to strengthen even though his physical body is not beside you, as I am so happy to hear that you have felt his presence since his transition. More than him waiting for you on the other side, which I have no doubt of, he is still with you, as twin flames can never be separated even in the transition from the physical body! Welcome to my blog, and may you feel comfortable at anytime to express yourself, to share your experiences with your twin flame that you shared in the past as well as the continuous moments, in a different form and manner, that you will be sharing moving forward. Sending you so much love!

  13. Hey, I`m new here, but just like everybody else all this twin flame stuff pops onto my head…I`m still a little bit in disbelief, fighting with myself. Wright now I`m in some kind of a phase…i don`t know, i fill so angry actually, don`t know even why. Sometimes i feel so euphoric, love my life, myself, everything has its purpose, I have a purpose just to be here on Earth and nothing else, and i feel my TF so close, like he`s in my thoughts, carry me through the day and sometimes, like now, i feel like all that is just a play of my mind and nothing else, and i hate myself trying to reduce the importance of what happend because it lasted so short, like i don`t have the right to make a big deal of it…even though we live literally 20 meters from each other, we are not in contact…I usually can feel when i`m about going to meet him on the street, and it`s always so intense, he always smiles to me, and I usually feel weakness in my legs after we met…i don`t feel that anymore, like he left me in my head…a few nights ago i felt that anger and such pain in my chests and just started to cry, I beged God and him to leave me alone…i don`t know what to do anymore…also had a dream about him before we met, i dreamt a three letters of his last name…sometimes i think maybe it`s someone else, but in that moment i know that`s not true…i don`t know, my mind is playing with me, i can`t hear my heart, i have that problem all my life, but something is helping me to open it, i just feel it…the last two years i could say I`m on a spiritual journy, and TF is just a part of it, the most important i would say. Sorry for my english but i just had to write something, don`t feel peace right now, i now it will pass, but it`s easier to share with someone. I read what James wrote it and i colud just copy-paste it, i feel excatly like that. We have to believe in ourselves even though i`m always suspicious and i don`t know how to beat it.

  14. Sunshine, I felt the same way like you when I was close to my TF. I almost was readey to faint, my legs felt so weak, my hands shake. And I could not even say hi or smile to him. I was completely in shock. I felt that pain in my chest. I went to my doctor for this reason, my doctor made all the tests possible, and his conclusion was that I was on stress. But I knew, it was the intensity of the experience to be so close to him(my TF). I fought against this feeling, but I could not. So I just let it go and surrender to this love. About the conversation in my mind, They still there and even with more intensity…I tried to block him or let him go, but he is here with me all the time. I felt that he tried to block me too, and then I start crying a lot and so he stop doing that and hug me. I also feel that he is experiencing the same like me. I thought I was getting crazy, but reading the posts here in this site it has been helping me a lot to understand all this stuff about TFs. I don’t know if my TF knows what is going out with him too. I guess this is a process. Sorry, I think I’m writing a lot.
    Take care

  15. Joana, thank you for your responding it means much to me and please write as much as you want, i know it`s hard to stop when you start writing :), sometimes i think i`m going crazy but then i realize that this is real, this is reality, how to deny something that really is happening…who can even say what is real and what`s not, only i know that, but it`s hard to fight it…so when i read all this posts i know all that thoughts and feelings in side me are real and true. Few weeks ago i was in such a struggle to send him an email and tell him all this things i realised about as in past two months, i didn`t know anything about twin flames, i thought we just match each other even though we bouth felt something bigger then ourselves, we talked about it. He embraced that, i was in some kind of resistance, couldn`t relax beacuse all seemed like a fairytail, my ego was telling me not to loosen up very much beacause i colud get hurt, i already expirienced that…now i see i was wrong, after him i`m so opened for love,less afraid…but that phases when all seems like an illusion are so hard, and i didn`t see him for over a month, i can`t feel him anymore…maybe that`s why i feel like this. I` trying to live in a moment, doing things that i love and hope it will pass

  16. Sunshine,

    I feel the exact same as you do- and I know all to well that it is a difficult struggle.

    First of all, let me tell you that you are extremely lucky to live so close to your Twin Flame, and to be able to at least contact him. I have had but two fleeting glances with my TF, do not know her name, and now she is somewhere in this huge city and I cannot find her anywhere.

    I feel now that the Universe brought us together in those brief moments to guide us on a spiritual journey, as you say.

    The “phases when all seem like an illusion” are quite real for me, too, and I believe in my case that this is the work of negative spiritual entities, which have been ‘assigned’ to me to deter me from my path- in the same way that guardian angels have also been assigned to me, to offer me protection and guidance.

    There was a period of two weeks when my Twin was thinking of me more or less constantly, I could feel it in my soul- and my life was filled with so much energy and positivity, none of the negative spirits which have chased me for so long could even stand a chance.

    Since then, my intuition tells me that her sister (who I have also met, briefly) convinced her to give up on me, because I’m with another woman. Although I still occasionally feel a psychic connection with my twin, it’s only for brief moments, and rarely as intense as before. Since then, the negative entities I speak of have regathered and come back at me with double or triple the force as before.

    Perhaps I need to find the inner connection to peace which, as you seem to have discovered, can be so fleeting… and maybe in order for Twin Flames to reunite, we both need to have purged our souls of all sin and wickedness, so that our negative energetic influences cannot cross over to the twin’s soul. If so, I think we might all need a lot of help!

  17. I was listening to the radio the other night, and heard this song called “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri, I found the lyrics so inspirational:

    Heart beats fast
    Colors and promises
    How to be brave
    How can I love when I’m afraid
    To fall
    But watching you stand alone
    All of my doubt
    Suddenly goes away somehow

    One step closer

    I have died everyday
    waiting for you
    Darlin’ don’t be afraid
    I have loved you for a
    Thousand years
    I’ll love you for a
    Thousand more

    Time stands still
    beauty in all she is
    I will be brave
    I will not let anything
    Take away
    What’s standing in front of me
    Every breath,
    Every hour has come to this

    One step closer

    I have died everyday

    Waiting for you
    Darlin’ don’t be afraid
    I have loved you for a
    Thousand years
    I’ll love you for a
    Thousand more

    And all along I believed
    I would find you
    Time has brought
    Your heart to me
    I have loved you for a
    Thousand years
    I’ll love you for a
    Thousand more

    One step closer
    One step closer

    I have died everyday
    Waiting for you
    Darlin’ don’t be afraid,
    I have loved you for a
    Thousand years
    I’ll love you for a
    Thousand more

    And all along I believed
    I would find you
    Time has brought
    Your heart to me
    I have loved you for a
    Thousand years
    I’ll love you for a
    Thousand more

  18. Christopher,
    OMG this song is…i think i don`t have to explain, the words tells you everything.
    Guess i am lucky as you say, but sometimes it seems like we thousands miles apart in those situations when, which i believe it`s true, negative entities trying to gives us doubt…i usually pray more and write a lot, i just write down every negative emotion that comes to me, no metter how awful it is. Generally that ?dark? time lasts for few days. I don`t know, but it`s seem like they are more often now… I think certain people in our environment can influence on us negative, they don`t have to be aware of that, maybe that`s also work of negative entities…like God and angles spoke through us, why couldn`t they when they find weakness.

    I agree with you that we have to do a lot of work with ourselves, beat all the complexes and doubts, be clean or i would say, just happy with ourselves, maybe even prepare for what is coming. But what is bothering me, he`s with his girlfrined now, for the third time, she just appeared suddenly i coludn`t believe in that ?coincidence?, how on eaarth he colud leave her now, i even feel sorry for her if he with her just beacuse he`s confused…maybe they are happy this time, i don`t know what to think anymore. Maybe they love each other truly or have to resolve something.
    Christopher i wish you all the best, and i truly believe that all will end up well for all of us and our happiness, although we chose a harder way.

  19. The negative things that come to my mind are questions: Why did I meet my TF on these circuntances? I’m married and older for him. What was the point of meeting him right now? I thought he was in heaven and it was the way I was thinking about him being in heaven. But one day I pray with all my heart, for him to be with me and then I met him in flesh as a young man. Now, what I should do? When negative thoughts come to me, I just pray, I always knew if I pray the negative thoughts will leave, and I find It works for me. Depresion comes to me too, but then I think if I get depress my TF will get depress too. Christopher, you just send your love to her (your TF) she will feel it. I like the song, Now I can understand that a lot of songs are writting for TF love. There is another song sing by James Tylor that it seem writting for a TF love.

  20. Sunshine, Thanks for this site info. I got some interesting info. from here, Thanks. One of them is that: “TF don’t have sex, they have intimacy” I completly agree. I hope Gabriella writes about this.

  21. Yes, me and my TF didn`t have sex, we needed to see each other three times, three dates just to kiss, it was enough just to lay beside him, and to touch each other…it was so strange, but at the same time so good, that was it, that was enough. I told that to my friend and she sad that this is not normal and i coludn`t explain, that`s also a moment when my mind start to calculate…i see that now, why i coludn`t just listen to myself,althgouh the feeling was so strong…but it supposed to happen, i wouldn`t be a person that i am know without it…he broke all the chains on my heart, and my awareness has grown so much in such a short time, and all that synchronicity in my life…sorry, really when i start to write i just can`t stop

  22. I can’t say anything yet about sex with my TF. Instead, I feel deeply entered by him. His voice and laughter have permeated my thoughts. He is in my dreams. I am swooned by his presence, his direct gaze that reads my heart so clearly-I have always felt naked in front of him, knowing any barriers cannot hold. I feel the strength of his love, the energy of his love makes every cell in my body fill with joy. When he wraps his arms around me, it unguards my heart and I long to move deeper into love.

  23. I feel a little embarrass to write this but my TF and I have a lot of intimacy, and I feel is not my imagination. I can feel him, and sometimes is only hugs and being close to one another. And I suspected that this was the reason he felt so shy to see me when he was around me.

  24. Joana
    Yes, yes, i know what you talking about…you don`t have to be eembarrassed. I thought i am imagining that…i saw him few days ago and i felt like he know that i was thinking about him…in every way, then i feel shy. I also have days when my mind goes crazy, i can`t control thoughts about him and then i met him on the street, i feel like some kind of lightning passes through my body, and then that weakness in my legs, i always need some time to put myself together after that. Sometimes i have feeling that he acts that way like i did, and sometimes like he trying to stay collected, not to show too much…maybe he also trying to repres all that, like me sometimes but that it doesn`t work.

    Sidney, i felt these way also when i was with my TF in that short time, time didn`t exist, i didn` want to leave him, but in the same time i truly respected his individuality, and wanted him to leave normaly, but with knowing that i`m wright here beside him. We would talk and cuddle for hours,but what was interesting i coludn`t get sleep next to him, he colud, i was always so full of energy, and my heart beated like crazy, i just coludn`t get sleep, he make me so nervous, and he saw that and it was so funny. At that time i praied God to give me strenght, i didn`t want to mess up the all thing, i felt that this is bigger then me…guess i was scared

  25. Sunshine, I had the same experience like you: like being struck by a lighting, when I was about to see or see my TF. It took to me to recover maybe 20 min. then I felt the most comfortable like being in heaven, I mean paceful, just bein close to him. I noticed that he tried not to show he was nervous too. But it was easy for him because he had all his friends around him, so he pretended to talk with them. For me it was difficult because I was knew in that class, and I did not had friends to talk.

  26. Sunshine,
    yes, hihi, i know, i`m usually then happy all the day…that only happened when we were bouth alone, it`s like if we are with someone it`s not so intense, but even then i steel felt happines…usually he talk with his friends, or i am with someone. after we `split` we didn`t have real chance to talk, it`s like something don`t want us to talk…other case is that he or I are on the cell phone when we met.
    I wanted to ask you, before i met him, 3 months before, i had a dream, but even before that dream i had a feeling that something importante will happen this year (well, last year), i told that to my friend and she coludn`t believe when it really happened, but since then i don`t have any hunches, it`s like this is it, like nothing will come after him…did you have something like that? I decided to let all off to God, i see that this is not in my hands, i actually feel very peaceful, i didn`t trust that much to God ever, but really trust in my heart. maybe i even can imagine being with someone else, but it would have to be someone very similar to him, i don`t even know how this colud be possible but…like i sad, it`s all in God`s hands

  27. My “torture” ok I said this word because, I don’t know other, is that I’m in a relationship. It is not working, but I feel that I have to fulfill something before leave it. Maybe, is my son. He needs us together. Yes, I dream with my TF before I met him, but I tought he was my guide or angel. In my dreams I used to come to him for advice, love and company (I knew, I was in love with him). Then my life became so painful, due to my husband behaviour. Then I call him, to come to me. Then I met him (my TF) AND my life turned upsidedown, I’m happy like never before, I feel alive, but at the sametime, I don’t know how to handle the intense energy of being close to him. So I run away, and he does too. I thought that he was the runner, but not, it’s also me. The connection with him is intense, but I’m not ready I guess, we were taking classes together at the university for a three semesters, now this semester we are separated. And it is my torment, but as Gabriella says, I see and comunicate at the astral level with him, but not in flesh. I can not answer your question about if I Could go to another relation after meeting my TF, because I’m already in one. But many times I wonder, if I had met him when I was single…it is really so intense relationship with a TF, that maybe I would be thinking like you, It does not make sense. But as you say, God will guide us…

  28. Sunshine, yes, when one of his friend or somebodyelse was between us. It felt like a shield between us and I felt comfortable, it helped to reduce something maybe the magnetism between us, I really don’t know much about this. But the trouble was when nobody was between us. I feels weird. I always wonder if people around feel the energy emanateD from the TFs.

  29. i can only imagine how you feel in your situation…but i can understand it, it`s like being on hold, or standby, but in the same time you have to live your life. I think people can feel something because after i meet him i`m full of energy, and they can sense it on me, i smile alot…my best friend also noticed all that synchronicity, she told me, (and she is very realistic person)she started to meet him, or his best friend all the time,especially at the beginning.
    But if i see him with his girlfriend, i usually meet them very unexpected…if i`m entering somewhere, they geting out, i`m passing the street they geting out of the car, even then i can feel that i`m going to meet him, there was more situations like this…but in that situations i`m not feeling jelous, more like it doesn`t feel right for him to be with her, i also had that feeling when i first saw them, like it`s not logical, i can`t explain…but who am I to think that, i have to accept it,just want him to be happy…and maybe just wait.

    About the runners, yeees…first (now i can see) i was running, i thought he was obsessed with me, that we should get real about the all thing, i just didn`t listen to myself even though i feel it…and then he ran away, obviously. Like all disappeared in a second…but it`s not…i can`t deny all that stuffs that happened after, and i think niether can he…i just know what he thinks.
    We just have to wait, but it`s an everyday struggle, especially with ourselfs

  30. i also think that if we feel we are on the right path, i our own mission, that things will brouth us together in some moment…i don`t know, i don`t understand this quite…how excatly works. before we met, about a year, i experienced some kind of spiritual awakening, and then i met him, and after him i met all kind of people that just clicked with me, and they were telling me things that brought me where I am now, in spiritual way…i think my twin was in that stage when we met, that i am now…i have evolved in some kind of way, it`s like i got from him a missing puzzle. But what to do with all this? now i want to help him, sometimes i do it in my mind, i don`t now is it works, but i feel good. Is it possible that now he struggles with the same things that i did? sometimes i get that feeling.
    Maybe Gabriella already wrote something about this,i don`t know…?!

  31. Sunshine, my TF knows my son, but I don’t wear my ring anymore, for some reason I can not explain, my finger got bigger or I feel so uncomfortable with it. Imagination? I don’t know. So my TF maybe thinks that I’m single mother. But when I find him in the astral world I tell him everything about my situation; he is single and I don’t think he has girlfriend,( I think that he is more interested on finish his degree, I could see that), but he has a lot of femanles and males friends. Yesterday, I told for the first time about him to one of my friends. I told her what is going on with me. She just listen and told me that she will keep my secret safe. She knows my husband and my troubles with him. I felt some relief in my soul, to be able to talk with my friend about it. This site is helpful to me too. I hope some people here can give you their opinons about your experience meeting you TF.

  32. about your ring and finger, i would say sweet ?coincidence? :),i have that to, you don`t know the real cause of it so you always questioning, colud it be?!
    It`s hard to keep all in side of you, i told about this only two people, (and niether of the two of them are not my closest friend) about the dreams and everything else, and i picked the right ones i think, actually they started to talk about some similar expiriences so i felt i can tell them. I`m glad that you have a friend you can talk about what is going on, i know how much it can mean. But i didn`t say anyone about this twin flame thing, and all this unexplainable feelings and thoughts, i just can`t. I was sceptical about this a month ago, so like you said, this site is very helpful because of it.

  33. Sunshine, I told my friend about him (my TF), but I did not mentioned anything about Twin Flames because people I know, I don’t think could understand it; I felt relief because I told my friend about him and the feeling I have for him, that it is. But to talk about the TF stuff I don’t find anybody who could understand me. So I keep getting information (about TF relationships) from this site and any other site with valuable information. I did not know anything about TF either when I met him (my TF). But my intuition guide me to this site, and then I found out that I’m not the only one, if this is happening to a lot of people then is not imagination. I just wish my TF could get info. about it too.

  34. Joana,
    yes, exactly…after i met him i also just started to explore…first was about that dream, strange feelings, than soul mates and then the twin flames,one after the other…a bunch of informations just poped on my head, but when i found this site and started to read i couldn`t resist to write something…i thought this is real, we can`t all be just crazy

  35. Even before long I meet my TF, I bought a book about soul mates, I keep it in my book shelves, and never pay too much attention. But when I met my TF, I started reading it, and everything the author of this book stated about the love for his soul mate; I was feeling exactly the same way. It seems that this pocket book was putting the words to my feelings for my him (my TF). About my ring, I think that is a sign that my transition from my present relationship maybe is overdue.

  36. yes, that`s it…that logical and perfect order of happening that you just can`t deny, when you think about your past you can find them, but how to be sure?! sometimes i think that they also testing our faith, we just have to believe. i know that feeling when someone just pull out your thoughts…i had few expiriences, two or three, when i was reading something that came me in the right moment i would say, and i just started to cry from a sense of big understanding…or maybe disbelief that someone described everything i`m going through. Time will show us everything, sometimes i`m so excited of thinking what is next to happen

  37. Yes, I agree with you in “the logical and perfect order” and sometimes scare me. Now I can hear his voice in my head. I can not tell this to my sister or close friend!? They will think, I need a doctor. It is true sometimes when I’m looking for a answer to a question, the answer pop up in unusual places, In one case, it was in a movie I was watching.

  38. I`m not sure if i can hear his voice in my head, what is it like?! yes, the answer aleays come, but only if i don`t bother with it, or sholud i say if i just live in the moment. i`ve learned (learning) that you can`t let anything to controle your life, even some thought or emotion, you immediately fall in the that circle of fear and worry. movies, songs, billboards, everywhere, i know, sometimes even what people talk…i noticed that always when i want to give up of everything i`ve learned and my TF, something will always come to bring me back, i just can`t believe sometimes. it`s better not to talk about all of this things, i always pick what i will say and to whome, they all see that like science fiction, or just wierd, or in the worst case (to me) trying to explain on the most realistic way, i always feel bad after that

  39. It is not like human voice, I can not describe it with words. When I was around him, I could distinguished his voice from a noisy room full of people, only his voice came directly to my brain and had an effect on me. So, his voice tone is in my brain or mind. Usually, we have long conversasions, and he comes when I’m down in disbelieve of all this TF experience. He has a great sense of humor, so he usually come to me with jokes and playful. I read from Gabriella’s posts that maybe or maybe not he can be concious that we are having these kind of telephaty conversations, well this is what I understood. Yes, I’m very carefully not to mention my TF experience to anybody around me. I don’t think nobody I know could understand this concept. My soulmate(husband) has a very practical mind, so he does not believe in nothing but logic and science.

  40. wow, this is very nice, we don`t have that, and don`t know what it`s like, but i can understand…actually i had similar expirience, but i`m not sure am i, my mind, doing the conversation (his part) or it`s something else, that happened when i was really down.
    do you feel depreesed sometimes if you don`t see him for long time? like you need incentive to continue moving forward? i`m feeling that today i don`t have inspiration for anything…i had times like these before him, but now they seems to me so unnatural, i want all that happines and feeling of purpose all the time, not on a selfish way, it`s like if i`m not in that stage of balance and feeling good, it`s seems like i`m wasting a day, negative emotions make no sence to me anymore, but they still come…it is frustrating sometimes. it`s hard to do it alone

  41. Yessss, when I could not see him regularly, even if we never talk to one another I felt depressed, terrebly depressed, I lossed weight because I was not eating enough, and I’m thin already, this happened to somebody who wrote a post too. Then, Gabriella helped me, when she wrote something that I did not see him on flesh, but I still in conection with him in the astral world, something like that. This give me hope. I saw him maybe two weeks ago in campus, and it seems to me that he lossed weight. I just keep my faith that someday in time or space we are to going to be together. But I have a question, do you have synchronizations with your TF, or do you share same things, what about your birthdays? I never talked with my TF, so I don’t know anything. I just know his name, and he knows mine. We have the same number of letter in our names, he has “th” on his name and me too. I know he is concious about his diet, like me. He is thin and look healthy. We look a little alike, and both have sense of humor. That is all, I know about him.

  42. The conversation, I felt like you, I thought it was my imagination, but this messages from him just pop up, ideas that I was not even thinking about it. For example, I was talking and complaining about my back ache with my husband; and suddenly he send me a message in my mind, “I can give you massage” It scare me a lot…

  43. Hey Joana, if it were me, I’d send a message back to him in your mind “Yes please!”

    I’d like to suggest that the conversations in your head are not entirely your imagination. Imagination is a wonderful tool, and in the case of TF communications, we are learning to consciously communicate without speaking, using phones, internet, etc. It is nothing to be frightened about, so keep practicing.

  44. Sidney, Thaaaaanksssss!, Then I’m not crazy. I feel shy to write about my TF experiences sometimes, so I just keep reading all the posts in this site. Yes, I said to him yes!, another scare thing happened when he gave me massage on his lap I could see his feet,and then the pain was gone.

  45. Joana,
    yes, i also wanted to ask you about synchronicity and synchronizations. in our case we our more opposites, but we have the same values, attitudes, have the same urges to help people in some way, or to leave on this planet on certain way, i couldn`t believe when he sad, that all he wants is to give people what he learned about the world and humanity and spread that good feeling, i thought i`m alone in that feelings, i have them since i was a child, but that`s other story.
    for example, i have a smaller family, he has a big one, i`m first child, he`s the last one, i had a very calm and happy life on the outside, but in side of me it wasn`t,he had a lot of tragedies in his life, but has very peacful mind, we have a different hair, but the same color of eyes and skin, which i was always unique about. we don`t have the same number of birth,but we met each other on a date, that when you add up the numbers of the date, it gives 11, i read somewhere about this, i don`t understand this quite, is this always the case or what, maybe someone knows?

    And what about all that duplicate numbers, after we separate i started to see, for example 11:11; 12:12,18:18,etc., then it stoped after a few weeks but become more subtle, like 22,33,44,55, this is steel the case…if i`m missing something so they want stop or is it something else, do i have to realise something??

  46. about the weight yes, actually in my case, the health, i got quite seek before we met, and i lost a lot on my weight, and after him i got better, but my body is totaly changed, and maybe it will sound funny but i think i`m a little bit taller, i see it on my clothes, and the shape of my body is different…maybe i`m imagining, i don`t quite understand this part of a story