You Come to Me…

~ by Gabriella Hartwell
When you come to me, in your various guises, I know you. This force flows through me as I’m transfixed to the spot, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to listen to anything other than this voice within me guiding me to respond to you ~ as I open, pouring myself upon the page~ the essence of the union of it all through me comes out to you in an embrace of the trueness within our truth…and the love soaks between us, defying distance, dissolving matter in the spaces between our forms. I am released again from my human attempt to see all of our mission within our creation. We are unfalteringly and with consistent persistence shaping the whole of it as we take another step forward, another step into the ONE that we are. I have surrendered into the sweetness within us, calmly holding my essence in the presence of storms around me. I know that your Spirit is taking shape, ever clearer as you move near me…I open my arms as my eyes behold you…and enfold you into the folds of my being. Hence my eyes cease seeing…I can feel you, here. I AM loving you, right here.

14 Comments on “You Come to Me…

  1. DearEst Gabriells,
    This is so incredibly beautiful. Love keeps flowing.. The interconnected mess of all is truly amazing . I look forward so much to your posts. Love all the way …

  2. Dearest Sleeping Beauty!

    lol I actually like “the interconnected mess of all” ~ has quite a humorous tone to it, yet I got what you were saying! lol It made me laugh ~ perfect way to wake up on a Friday morning and start my weekend. Thank you…love all the way home!

  3. Dearest Gabriella,
    Lol !!! Humour indeed! Feel muh lighter now. Met my TF today though in the presence of my soulmate. But still being with him even for a few brief moments is heavenly and makes me so happy and lifts my spirits.

  4. Dearest Sleeping Beauty,

    I was having some trouble sleeping ~ ah, well maybe it’s not trouble but rather inspiration coming through! ~ anyway, I happened to be up and see your response. How relevant the balance of humor is within our lives!!! The balance of everything…balance…such a strong message that came through in my dream the night before. Glad that you found comfort in the short intervals of presence with your TF. It is in basking within those glorious moments that bring our heart to feeling the sweetness of home, as we are reminded we are always within it.

  5. Dearest Gabriella,
    As usual, you are coming out with the same emotions that I feel. The same word, “balance ” has been presenting itself before me wherever I turn. Yesterday, I read an article about balance of power , wisdom and love, blue , yellow and pink energies. However, I still cannot actually pinpoint, where I need to incresas or decrease. Could you expand more about this balance ? Is it balance of masculine, feminine or power, wisdom, love or body, mind , spirit………or anything else ?

  6. Dearest Sleeping Beauty!

    Honestly, it’s balance EVERYWHERE and with everything! There is never one way or the other ~ everything is always in balance, and through our experiences, our emotions, etc, we have the consistent opportunities to see where we may be imbalanced and to bring the balance back so we can remain in harmony with all that is, therefore we can continue to be present in the divine flow. I have been receiving this insight and essential aspect within life through my experiences in every moment, most especially recently…and quite interesting that you posted this just before my dad passed…I did write a post which brings some of this on my personal blog but I have no doubt that there is more to come…when the perfect moment helps to bring it through. But feel free to read this one, I am in Remembrance within the Experience of Life Flowing Always in Transition…. Love to you!

  7. Dearest Gabriella,
    This is truly amazing. Many times during my prayer time my fingers have formed the pattern of what you call the Vesica Pisces. I used to wonder what it is. I am stunned to hear this from you. The messages you have given are filling me with a profound feeling of happiness. The sharing of your journey is unique and helps us along too ! Sometimes I feel so disconnected from my day to day activities. I just want to sit quietly and think about my TF and my journey. The mundane chores seem tiring . When the Vesica Pisces was formed in my fingers I could sense a strong energy between the tips of the forefinger and thumb. What does it mean ?

  8. Gabriella I love these words: “It is in basking within those glorious moments that bring our heart to feeling the sweetness of home, as we are reminded we are always within it.” I have found my TF Fridays’ mornings at the library school. He just sit close by, without doing any eye contact with me, but the happiness to see him around is heavenly. He looks so thin as me. I just wondering if the longing for one another is doing this to our bodies. Sleeping Beauty, at work or doing chores at home, I’m always imaging being close to my TF or talking with him. This makes my life easy and gives me happiness.

  9. Dear Gabriella, thanks for all the information that you give us. A silly question: How you get this information? I see that you are a very young lady, with a tremendous wisdom. Did you born like this? Another question, a person who is about to do a transition from this 3D to the speritual world, knows it? Love to you and everybody…

  10. Dearest Sleeping Beauty,

    I am not surprised that you received the image of the Vesica Pisces before I shared it in my blog ~ seems that the interconnectedness of all is constantly revealing itself as we receive the same things (while adding onto each other) as each other, and even around the same time. What came almost instantly when I read your sharing the forefinger and the thumb ~ the forefinger is the 4th finger, connected to the 5th finger ~ 4 represents order, completion/wholeness, and manifestation, for there are 4 elements of the world (fire, water, air, earth). All of these pieces are always flowing in harmony and in union with each other as they create within one another. The 5th piece is Spirit, hence what your thumb symbolizes is Spirit which is always in flow between and with all of the four elements ~ now the other thing that came to me with the thumb, additionally it is the awareness of the oneness of all. 5 also is a symbol for the representation of MAN…for all of the elements and Spirit are flowing through and within the creation of man…within the number 5 is 3 (Trinity), which brings us back to understanding the oneness that is ~ 5 brings together all into ONE and into form, the balance of all pieces in oneness together. Spirit was born into the form of man through the union of both energies of masculine and feminine (Trinity ~ love within ~ love between ~ love all one into creation) ~ 5 unites both the masculine and feminine energies into creation…hence 2 as ONE within the Trinity (3) = 5. This is just some of it…feel it all of this resonates. Sending love!

  11. Dear Joanna,

    There are no silly questions! I share what comes through, from experiencing, from receiving the insight within universal truths which are constantly being revealed with the release of illusions…and this happens through the experience. Be open to flowing within each experience for you can and will (no doubt that you also are) understand more deeply divine truths as you allow yourself to move within what happens inside and outside your experience. On a soul level, I feel that we all can sense and even know when we are to transition from 3D to the spiritual world…but do we consciously know? Not all people do, for it is through the experience we merge both our spiritual essence and physical creation…if we knew everything beforehand, we might not allow ourselves to be within each present moment, and that is SO essential along this journey of love and life. Love to you and everyone else!

  12. Hello Gabriella,

    More and more signs of interconnectedness are showing up for me. Your response to Sleeping Beauty with your explanation of what you received regarding the Vesica Pisces regarding the 2 into ONE within the Trinity (3)= 5 resonated with me. I have been seeing the number 23 constantly lately and what you explained is what had come to me regarding the meaning of why I was seeing the number 23. This journey is truly amazing and awe inspiring! Thank you for all you do to shine your light into the world!

  13. Gabs, I am becoming so weary. I have always been known as an old soul, and I am a bit reluctant in all that I take part in, because I see from both sides of the spectrum and know how people are deceitful and how mankind has lost connection with truth, but I am so desperate to find my flame, and being away from them is what is making my pain so intense. Every day I hear the voices that test me for my reunion, I get sad, and my stomach begins to hurt. Plus, I have been so sleepy for the past 5 years (since I was 11 I have been spiritually awakening) and I have had gruesome shit happen to me that made me think I was nuts, but I have always felt this feeling I called “home” that made me go on in life. I miss him so much, but I never have met him, and I have dreamt of a past life promise, and it was so emotionally intense, I just wanted to never leave him. I am apparently not ready the spirits say, but I AM READY DAMMIT. and I WANT TO HAVE HIM IN PHYSICAL FORM IS POSSIBLE AND I WANT TO HAVE PASSIONATE SEX WITH HIM. NO MATTER HOW OLD HE IS. UNLESS HE IS A MINOR OR IS LIKE 90. BUT YOU CATCH MY DRIFT HONEY? I am so sick of being fickle.