Awaken into Divine Love: Twin Flames Revealed ~ Interview with Dawn and Steve

Dawn and SteveIn this episode, I interview Dawn Panico and Steve Selcke on their journey of awakening into Divine Love, and the awareness of who they are to each other, the twin flame of their own unique ray of love. How intimately they share on the confusion, the resistance, the magnetism, and allowing this unconditional, sweet love to overcome them and become them into their oneness.

Through the path towards union, they experienced many moments in their individual journeys where they were given opportunities for growth, loss to encounter, spiritual remembering laden with each step, awakening ever deeper into the truth of who they are, releasing the illusions in which they are not. All the while, opening their hearts, expanding their love, and allowing the union to happen naturally as they walked upon their journeys ~ healing and revealing themselves into expression and creation.

If you have enjoyed this interview and want to see more with those that are on this journey, so that you may receive the various and many nuances of how Beloveds become aware of each other and awaken into the divine love they are in their own oneness and in their oneness together, please donate

Until the next sharing, may you continue to BE love and be LOVED.
