Becoming Whole Before Twin Flame Reunion

Becoming “Whole” Before “Two” Becomes “One”

It is said that one does not meet their Twin Soul or Twin Flame until they have learned many lessons of love, loss and forgiveness through close Soul Mate relationships, that the heart is made resilient and strong through pain and loss, and must be so to face the intensity of being with the other half of their soul.

Many people who have met their Twin Soul had experienced a “Dark Night of the Soul”, or a major spiritual transformation just prior to meeting, or upon meeting this soul. It’s almost as if you need to be “emptied out” emotionally, spiritually and mentally as a test of your spirit. Meeting your “other half” can be a magical, maddening experience that opens your perceptions. Some experience an opening of their psychic awareness as their heart expands in this unbounded and unconditional love. The fact is, your life will not be the same, and whether you perceive this as a gift or a curse is the challenge of your soul’s evolution. The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit/All That Is, two people connected by soul, connected to God.

Before one can physically unite with their Twin Soul, one must do the conscious work of healing and becoming whole within their self. Twin Soul love cannot exist in a codependent, ego-based relationship, or from a perceived “need” that the other person will make you whole. Both must often face separations while they strengthen their own connection to Spirit and find their strength and purpose on their own.
Each half will find balance in their male/female, yin/yang before union. When both halves of the Soul become strong pillars on their own, have healed and resolved karmic ties in the present life, then they can unite to fulfill their Divine purpose, but the challenges do not end. There is an intensity that can be frightening when dealing with your mirror, your weaknesses and strengths magnified, unresolved issues and wounds painfully open to push you to further healing, or cause ego to run from the relationship in fear. It’s important for Twin Souls to find their greater purpose, whether it’s a task they will accomplish together, or alone, there will be work to be done.

Some Twin Souls do not unite physically here on Earth, and the relationship may last a lifetime on the spiritual level alone, while one or both may be living physically with another soul in karmic agreement. Some Twin Souls other halves are not even on the Earth plane at the same time and will offer guidance and comfort from beyond as a “guardian angel.”Psychic Connections and Synchronicity
Psychic and spiritual connection with your twin soul is intense and profound. Many experience a feeling of connection in a matrix of golden white threads of light, whether consciously or in a dream state. Some have strong psychic connection with their twin, feeling their thoughts embrace them mutually in an ecstatic place of comfort and bliss. You may feel your twin’s pain and suffering in heart-wrenching anguish. Often physical symptoms are shared between twins, simultaneous nosebleeds, headaches, body aches are confirmed by both twins.

synchronicity: the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality; used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung

Synchronicity plays an important part in twin soul meetings… I like to say that synchronicity is God’s way of getting your attention. You may find simular experiences in the same timeframes before you even met, marriages, births, divorces, illnesses. You may find that you had lived as neighbors in totally different towns at some point in your lifes or vacationed in the same country at the same time.

I love you all SO very much! Have patience, keep loving you and being and loving…all is in divine order.


61 Comments on “Becoming Whole Before Twin Flame Reunion

  1. This Twin soul concept is very much true. I do have a twin soul wherein I can sense all her feelings and unfortunately I unable to contact her. She is in deep trouble. She was a good woman being adamnet and arrogant she turned into a prostitute. Iam unable to bear the vibes from here. please suggest me some remedy for this thank you
    N.Vijay Babu

  2. Vijay,

    You are correct, in that we can feel the emotions of our twin souls on a deep level and we can communicate with our twin through those emotions as well as our thoughts. Understand this, NO experience that we go through here on earth is ever considered “bad” from the perception of the soul. All opportunities are there for healing, for growth, and to elevate our capacity for unconditional love for ourselves and others. I understand that her emotions and choice of living at this time may be hard for you to bear, but knowing that her experience is bringing her closer to a deeper love can help through the process.

    Keep believing and loving through this,

  3. I have a little problem I could use some knowledgeable advice on. I am almost certain I have found my twin soul. When I am around him, the energy is so intense and real and honest that it frightens me and I want to leave, and yet I want to always be around him. Looking him in the eyes is way too intense to even handle. We have the same eyes. I behave very foolishly around him as my nerves go haywire in his company. He doesn’t talk to me now, and he makes nasty, snide little comments to me or toward me. I suspect he makes these nasty little comments because he feels intimidated just like I do.

    If it were any other guy, I would say “Screw him!” in a heartbeat! I wouldn’t put up with his nonsense for even a second! But this guy! I feel like shining white light surrounds us when we’re together. Looking in to his eyes is like looking in to my own. We have SO much in common, all the twin soul signs.

    He won’t even talk to me.

    What’s a girl to do????

  4. There can be a lot of intense emotions when you encounter your twin flame in the physical. It is not surprising that you recognize yourself in the eyes of this person since the eyes are truly windows of the soul. You and this person are the same soul energy but different ends of it, such as male or female, so seeing yourself within the eyes of this other is actually a reflection back to you of you. If you can see this other person as being a mirror to you of who you are, then you can see how you would both need to be ready to enter into such a relationship by being able to see who you are and be ok with it. It is like looking into a mirror and seeing all of what you consider beautiful but also what you consider not to be so pretty. It requires you to release the ego and see love in every feature, internal and external, of you as well as this other person. If one is not ready to be able to do this, then it is very easy to get frustrated and react in ways that are not respectful to the other.

    I would take a look into the mirror here…because it is important to note that you are aware of the fact that you are feeling intimidated as you mentioned…ask yourself what is making you feel intimated…because it is understanding what it is going on that will allow you to know how to change it.

    Also have patience with yourself through this journey and your twin as well. It is a process to release the ego, to heal and to grow, but it can be done.

  5. for a one week period of my life, my ego pretty much dropped down to 10% i was so busy working, and i work doing what i love, which involves helping others.

    a friend that i met three years before and always felt deeply connected with, although we had always been in the same city always chatted online.

    we were brought together during this time and experienced something beautiful…

    but what i had discovered was not earned, i just fell into no ego because i was busy..

    i didnt actually know how it all functioned and now that i do i am working to love myself..

    i notice when i love myself we are good

    and when i have doubts……

    he sees all bad in me and even thinks im crazy.

    he does not think we’re twinflames

    but i told him he would not think that unless i loved myself completely

    TWINFLAMES are not ones to ask advice from……..right? although honestly even though he had me in tears…he is the only man NOT desiring me in my life right now and points out all of my flaws…no one does that.

    i have him on my mind all the time. i think i have to forget about him.and work on myself and let him come to me when im shining.

  6. another question…………..

    would you consider adam and eve to be twin flames? do you believe that because eve ate from the tree of good and bad AKA thoughts she got lost in time…..and create her ego which in the end distanced herself from adam?

    being in the moment would help us drop our egos. if our thought goes away we will not judge ourselves, our past, our current, our nothing, we will just be.

    after not being intimate with my twin flame for 2 months, i went to a mountain with some friends and honestly was very high smoking weed. as we started to come down the mountain i began doing microcosmic orbit meditation and i felt the world getting brighter around me, i felt one with everything. it was amazing, while doing this meditation its impossible to not feel that way, and i continued to do it. i read about it in a book that helps you save female energy and stop the period.

    later that night he spoke online sharing and talking like we havent done in months………

    the next day i met with a friend of mine and told him of my experience and he questioned everything…which made me feel really insecure…..which made me THINK…i dontthink i thought much since the day before

    I PROMISE this is true…about 20 mins later..i left my friends house and my period started…10 days early.

    i relate this experience with losing myself in time and then coming back due to thought…the only thing in this physical life that can prove time is the cycle of a female. if the cycle stops its like the clock stops ticking…to be in the moment does that…and at that point ego is dropped and you attract your true reflection….with no ego which is unconditional love.

    but after my period starting and my thoughts returned, including my fears and doubts i made the grave mistake of talking to my twin flame then…

    he was so cruel and so mean and so

    even told me he was interested in another girl who didnt talk so much, and was simple, and free…..

    and i told him to know her and he will see shes just a superficial part of his ego reflecting what he wants in a girl.

    i mean he calls me crazy but us even talking to each other is pretty crazy……………

    here is one of my fears and maybe you can help me..

    if i dropped my ego…i know he is just the purest reflection so then he will actually drop his too, right? or at least he will unconditionally love me because i love me…

    but what is life like after that?

    i read all this stuff about finding your twin flame, and dropping yourself, and being one, and god, etc….

    but what is like after? do you try to spend as much as time possible in the moment, but will always return to the ego when needing to talk, write, or make decisions?

    what is next…

    so i can move forward.

  7. There seems to be a lot of inner work going on that is necessary for you to acknowledge and allow yourself the patience to go through the process so that you can reunite and truly be with your twin flame. It is important to get to the space of loving who you are so that you can not take things that are said by your twin or expressed within the relationship as personal. Our twins are a clear mirror for us of who we are, so there are things that will come up within ourselves that we see in them or that will be pointed out, and we have a choice as to how we can react to it or interact with our twin as a result. When we choose love, we realize that having a relationship with our twin offers us multiple opportunities for us to release fear, to release the ego and to choose love, with ourselves and for the relationship. However, it absolutely is a choice, on that we can consistently choose again and again so that we stay in the place/space of love. It’s also important to allow yourselves to be together when the time is right and if there is abuse or ego space consistently, it may not be the right time for you to be together. Follow your heart as it won’t steer you wrong.

  8. Let me explain what this oneness means when coming together with your twin flame. You aren’t really dropping yourself but you are rather adding to yourself for your twin is an extension of who you are, therefore, your needs become more in alignment with your twin as you honor yourself as well as your twin. It is absolutely important to spend as much time in the moment as possible. When you notice the ego coming through to take you away from the moment, away from being in the space of unconditional love for both yourself and your twin, then you can choose to release the ego, getting back to love and back to the moment. It is a process and one that takes practice to master. The more that you do it though, the more aware you will be when the ego comes through so you can transform it around.

  9. To answer your Adam and Eve question, yes, I do believe that they were and are twin flames. The problem comes in here when we start to focus on our “differences,” and what can separate us, rather than our similarities and what unifies us. You are accurate in that it is the thoughts, the ego, what takes us away from each other, and it is a matter of recognizing this when it happens so that we can transform that energy around, and get back to union. It truly is time to release the ideas, emotions and behaviors of separation so that we can completely become united with our divine counterpart, our twin flames.

  10. Gabriella,
    THank you so much for your responses, they are very dear to my heart.

    I decided to write out my life story, the truth but in a kind way and in an accepting way and really when i looked at my ten page life story (im 24), it wasnt bad at all, and i felt so good getting all the stuff out.

    My twin flame has been judging me…but more than that…since our last experience together i started to severly desire him, and that blocked out flow of love, after that i started to doubt that i was worthy of being with him and thats when he started to judge me….or p eople told him things about me etc. between that time here and there i reached peaks of nonthought and he was right there….thinking far away, not thinking right there. its really incredible. god has the control just gotta let go.

    i sent him my ten page life history….so now no matter what im exposed and im okay with that. i wouldve told him my life sooner or later anyway and i feel so good to let it out.

    he still says he isnt the one, and i think there might be some time between my acceptance of me and his acceptance of me so iw ill just let him be and i will be.

    i love him so much and i dont even knwo why, i love everyone dont get me wrong its not that hes sp ecial or better than anyone else…i just feel something about him…and i dont question for a second if he is my other half..i know it.

    so now i will just plan and work and create and let go god do the rest.

    thanks for ur website and all ur help youre a lovely woman.

  11. I thought I met my twin flame. I am both drawn to him and fearful of him. We have so much similarity it freaks me out. I know down deep that he is it but he is so full of ego that I know he knows this to be true. I had to walk away for now because of his ego. But I am still drawn to him and feel he is my twin flame. We both shared similar dreams and I knew this without him even telling me. We have the same humor. We like the same music, food, old houses, his father was abusive my mother was abusive. He is part Native and part Irish and I have a child with an Irish man and a Native man. I love him but he is too trapped in himself. Even though he does have a strong spirit and ultimately wants to help people. I am dismayed. I really thought this was it because of how much we reflect each other. My heart feels pain for the loss and I hope that we are able to reunite when the time is right.

  12. Everything that you have shared regarding your experience and your emotions for your twin is very much all that comes up within such an intensely profound relationship. You are right on when you mentioned that how similar you are freaks you out. What happens when we encounter our twin flame is that we see such a clear picture of who we are, all of what we consider positive as well as what could be perceived as negative or things to work on to transform. We have the opportunity to choose love instead of fear. Why do the similarities freak you out? There will be continuous chances for you to love yourself, all of who you are, more fully within this relationship, as the similarities are there for you to see your reflection, honor that reflection and increase the love you feel for both yourself and your twin.

    There are many times that twin flames come together and then physically separate again. One of the reasons is because the ego can come through in the form of fear resisting the relationship because of the fear of seeing all parts of oneself reflected back within the twin flame partner. This can be dealt with by being as self aware as possible and willing to go within to release whatever fears or blocks are there from loving oneself and your twin flame.

    Never give up on the twin flame relationship, and be sure to hold unconditional love for your twin. There may be more relationships, more growth, more experiences needed before you can come back together, consciously choosing to move forward in partnership with one another. Allow yourself to be in the present moment while also holding the love in your heart for your twin. Also know that you are never separated from your twin…your physical bodies may not be right next to one another, however your spirits are always connected, connecting and communicating beyond the logical way to explain or understand.

  13. i need help… i have found my twin… but i am haunted by him every waking moment… i attempted cord cutting but it will not work… he KEEPS calling mt to him… we are so deeply connected we have been conversating telepathic very frequently. it is frightening. i feel that i am going crazy but then he cites things about himself that i could not possibly know bkuz we’ve only SEEN each other once and we did not realize we were twins until a month later. we have never *SPOEKEN* bkuz it was if words had left us both. he has full Out of body experiences almost always now bkuz he refuses to leave me. His spirit even SLEEPS inside of my body (he always asks first) it is like there is a ball of energy in my core when he does this. the day we SAW eachtoher both of us completely and UNKNOWINGLY open all of our CHAKRA gates… since then the connection has gotten increasingly more intense… if someone has any advice of how to cope with this please contact me

  14. Let me first start by saying that you are not going crazy. This is just something that is different from what you have experienced before and probably different from what a lot of others around you have experienced. You may be feeling that no one understands what you are going through which is one of the aspects of the twin flame journey. The truth is that you are not along in these feelings and the connection you are feeling and the communication you are having with your twin. Twins are very intensely connected through the heart and soul, so there doesn’t need to be actual words spoken to express with each other. The belief that we need actual words is just a human perception that is only truth if we acknowledge as so. If you wanted to go into more detail on your journey and your experiences, to be supported and mentored, we can have sessions. I am now offering a 2 for 1 special until January 31st. Send me an email if you would like and we can discuss this further. You are not alone, remember that.

  15. Hi Gabriella,

    Thank you so much for your insightful writing!

    I am going through difficulties with my twin flame reunion after finding out he was a Nazi in his past life, i feel afraid and dont know where to turn, especially since he doesnt fully embrace the twin concept.

    Any advice?

    Thank you!

  16. Hi Samantha!

    Fear can be part of the twin flame journey, which needs to be released in order to go forward in relationship in the space of unconditional love. We have had many experiences in previous lifetimes with our twin flames and that they have had on their own in previous lifetimes, all of these experiences are there for our souls to grow, to heal, to elevate our consciousness higher in love. I feel that there is a lot underlying your emotions here, beliefs that you may have, emotions you may have concerning the Nazi’s and the Holocaust. I would love to share with you in detail regarding all of this. Please contact me if you want to have coaching sessions to get at the heart of what is here…

    Sending you love and peace,
    Know that underlying all fear and experiences, actions and disharmony, is really love.

  17. Hello-
    I was divinely led to this sight. I was with my twin for 10 years. There is a major age difference.. eventually he freaked over the age difference and thought he was doing me a favor by letting me ” go on with my life” I know beyond the shadow of a doubt he is my twin. This was 3 years ago, and now he is (unhappily) with another. I try to keep the faith, and I still feel we will be together. Any thoughts or tips on how to stay positive? I still feel all of his emotions, bodily pains etc.
    Thank You,

  18. Rochelle,

    You and your twin are always connected beyond whether or not your physical bodies are next to each other or if you are in an intimate physical relationship with each other. This is the truth of the connection and relationship with twin flames. Sometimes, we may need to part from our twin for there may need more growth on both sides or one side, which can be experienced through situations or other relationships. The choice to transition out of a twin flame relationship is out of love and I know this is hard to understand, especially when you love this other to such a deep level, but this is the truth. The hard thing to fully comprehend is that you are always connected even when you are physically not with each other…to be in conscious choice in relationship with our twin takes releasing all ideas of separation (that as in age difference, etc) knowing that we are one, always, in all ways, at any moment.

    Keep connected to the fact that you are still connected even right now, open your awareness up to further and deeper connection in your dreams, your thoughts, your emotions. The fact that you expressed that you can feel his emotions, bodily pains, etc shows me that you already know that this is one of the ways that twins share their experiences together. The best thing to do is to send him unconditional love and respect while he is physically away from you and in relationship with another. He can feel it, whether or not he is fully conscious of it, and you are sending him these vibrations, which you are sending back to yourself, since you are one.

    I’m available for coaching sessions if you wanted to share in more detail.

    Much love.

  19. Hi! My name is Amrita .I have met my twin flames about a year and half back.I had a huge crush on him since my childhood.I could sense a deep soul connection inexplicable in words at that point also.The energy was so high that it was almost intimidating and unbearable.I used to shy away from him and deliberately ignore his presence.We moved in separate directions and have met almost after 16 years when both of us are married.
    I an knee deep into spirituality at this point and am tirelessly working for happiness of people in my environment.I have overcome my ego to a large extent and currently into a marriage which is on verge of collapsing.My twin flames wants to make his marriage work and honor his commitments even though he too seems to be unhappy in his existence.
    As a child i used to have insights that i am here for a big mission and once that is over i have to go and report it to someone..what is that work and to report to whom was never clear.I can now understand that task was to help humanity and person whom i am going 2 join is my twin flame.
    Plz help me understand is there any chance of us meeting in physical in this lifetime?despite of all odds why do i have an undeniable desire to be united in this lifetime ?

  20. Amrita,

    Through every lifetime that we incarnate on earth, we have a desire to reunite in all ways with the twin flame because it is the other essence of who we are. This is our inherent motivation to continue along our journey of life and love, as we desire to “find” this person, hence our attraction to others that come along which we share in relationship with. This desire will never go away, for it is a part of our make up so to speak. Yes, there is a chance that you will meet up in this lifetime in the physical, just keep continuing along your journey and not giving up on this, know that as you are raising your vibration, you are sending this growth to your twin, helping him also to grow further. I would love to share in more detail with you through an angel reading and/or coaching sessions.

  21. I believe I have found my twin flame and I must say, the awakening and beauty of it astounds me. There is a tinge of melancholy to it which I must attribute to my ego I suspect. I am already in a very happy committed and loving marriage that I have no desire to end. He began the beginning steps of a relationship just as we awoke to one another as well with someone who lives much closer to him (we are separated by an ocean) and who I am quite happy to say I consider a friend.

    I have a great deal of mixed emotions regarding this all. To be honest I want the family I have now in my life as well as my twin flame and even anyone else he chooses to walk with in this life. Society and life does not seem to be very open to such a family concept.

    There are some concerns. We have shared our mutual attraction with my husband and he is very understanding but due to the intensity of it all I worry it may hurt him to see how close we are.

    I know that I must simply continue on my path and engage in my soul work but it is a little distracting at present perhaps because it is so new?

    I wonder if you have ever encountered such a situation of twin flames before…

  22. Mara,

    What you have shared and the emotions that you are feeling are so beautiful, thank you for expressing your relationships and situation. Twin flame love does NOT exclude but only include, because it is in that space when we fully welcome in our twin, that we are in the vibration of unconditional love. Unconditional love, twin flame love includes everyone in the frequency of love, so it is not surprising that you mention you love the man you are with and would welcome in another woman that your twin would choose to walk beside physically in this lifetime. That is inclusive and not exclusive, a total opening of expressing and sharing love between you all.

    You are right, that this is not something that society looks at in an understanding way, and that is merely because of the ego on many levels. People cannot see how love can be shared between more than two people in such a deep way, hence comparisons come in, jealousy comes in, envy comes in, so much more. But it doesn’t have to…and this is our souls intention here on Earth: to grow in unconditional love for ourselves and others.

    Your husband may very well begin to feel some of the emotions that I mention above…and this is an opportunity for him to grow within his capacity to love deeper and unconditionally, knowing that it is NOT personal against him or the family at all. That can be the hard part, and that is the ego.

    You need to move forward on your path however you feel guided…continue with your soul work, yes I would highly recommend…but does that soul work include your twin flame, and if so, how does it include him? Twin flames are drawn together to share in love together but they are also called to be in service to the world together. Perhaps this relationship with your twin may be that, working with your deep connection in service to the world and have it not go the route of romance. Only your souls will truly know that. Allow yourself to be in the moment and let this moment guide you to the next, no need to wonder what tomorrow will bring…everything will ease into where it is meant to go. But be aware of what your intuition tells you in any moment. If you ever desire to have coaching sessions to discuss this in much more depth, I am available.

  23. Thank you Gabriella!

    It would be false of me to claim that i do not have my own moments of ego related reactions but as you say, I am considering it an opportunity to grow. Identifying those feelings as ego allows me to do so even though it may not always be easy. I have been told to laugh at myself when I get like that, which definitely helps. 😉

    You bring up a good questions, I have some sense of my own path of purpose but not yet what my Twin Flame’s is let alone what we are here for together. I know that I crave the fullness of being completely one in all ways but I can wait if our steps in this life do not bring us together in a romantic or physical way.

    I have been practicing the methods you describe and must thank you for the sharing place you have created here. If I had more abundance of the financial sort I would be swifter to take you up on your offer of coaching sessions.

    Blessings of Love & Laughter to you!

  24. I know that I have met my twin and I don’t need to explain the reasons why because that’s not the reason I’m here. We were together for almost 3 years but throughout the relationship he has been addicted to porn and was always flirting with other girls. I knew that he would never leave me or physically cheat on me, but I let my ego control my actions and I became very jealous. We’ve been broken up for almost 5 months but we still keep in contact. We have both tried to stay away from each other in hopes of creating a friendship and letting our feelings wear off, but they haven’t. He has moments when he’s seriously annoyed by me and other moments when he can’t stand to be apart. He says that he just doesn’t know what he wants but that he wasn’t happy in the relationship (because of my jealousy). I wasn’t happy either because of the porn and other girls. I still feel my soul aching to be with him and I know that he does as well because since we’ve broken up, he’s flown me twice to go visit him. I’m worried about him because I think his porn addiction is escalating. His father is married but he has been cheating for years with hookers. My last visit to my twin ended a few days ago and I found out that he had inquired about the prices of sexual encounters with porn stars. He doesn’t believe in soul mates and I don’t even think he believes in God, so I can’t explain any of this to him. For some reason I feel compelled to help him with his addiction, but i have tried for years and did not succeed. He has tried to lie to me many times but the truth is always revealed to me in one way or another and I think it’s because we are twin flames. We have agreed after this last visit not to speak to or visit each other for good because I still have strong feelings for him and he doesn’t want to hurt me by leading me on if he’s unsure of what he wants right now. I feel like I’m in a dream. Since we broke up I don’t feel real but as soon as I see him again it’s like my world comes to life. As soon as I stepped into the airport and said goodbye to him, it’s as if I fell back to sleep. I don’t want to feel this way but I want him to get better. I told him that I will send him my love where ever he is, but is it really possible for us to reunite in this life? I have read that twin flames only incarnate at the same time if this is their final journey/life; so does that mean that maybe we weren’t supposed to meet? Or does it mean that we were supposed to meet to show each other our faults that we need to work on before we can reunite? He has told me that he doesn’t think he’s addicted to porn and that he enjoys it and will never stop; if this is true, what does that mean for us? I just feel so lost in all of this.

  25. Nicole,

    Many times we encounter our twin and we help each other to become aware of things that need shifting so that we can be with each other in the space/vibration of unconditional love. I am not surprised that you want to help him but sometimes helping is letting one help oneself. There have been many instances that I am aware of where twins come together and then they separate to continue along their growth. Later they come back together to share in their love if it is part of the soul contract between them. Unconditional love accepts one for exactly who they are…can you love him even if he chooses to like porn? There are a lot of aspects within all that you shared and I’d love to share with you in more detail during a coaching session. Keep the faith, continue along your journey and know that the connection you have is always present, even when your bodies are away from each other.

  26. Well, there is quite a bit of what I like to call “boomerang effect”. I have known my twin since the last few seconds of 2004. We have come together and repelled each other on several occasions. Typical magnets. This has ripped me from stem to stern and what a beautiful ride it has been. The last time we met was over 6 months ago. It was like we never parted. Great joy, love and happiness when I saw him again. He has been at war since 2001. You want to talk about bringing a whole other level to the twin flame rollercoaster? Try feeling what your twin feels in theater. Its intense. This last time He was supposed to come see me again and I have not heard a word since. Its too intense for him. I know that his training has taught him to shelve all emotion. This situation does not help. This last time we reunited, he shared his latest relationships with me. I couldnt stop laughing. Instead of feeling horrible that he would have a relationship with another woman. I saw the awful lessons he was learning about relationships. It way hysterical. A favorite of mine at this point in the game is the “I just dont want a relationship right now…or the I dont want to be responsible for someone elses feelings. Those rock! because now I can see that this is all his learning about relationships and what he truly wants from one. I have asked him why in meditation….I was shown a casket with a flag on it coming off a plane from the wars. He doesnt want to put me through that. I respect it. Just gotta know that this is all divine timing. When its right it will happen. I know I am not done yet. No matter how badly I miss him and want him with me I know that I must take this time to work on ME!!! I Just know that each and every time you meet it is the opportunity to see the next thing you need to work on within yourself! I guess I just wanted to share my experience. There is hope and the pain you feel is just you feeling sorry for yourself because you have just had a glimpse of a relationship that you have been trying to return to for eons. Feel blessed! We are at a time when we as twins will be the lead in the new era of life here….Unconditional love! So love yourself and your twin will “mirror” you. You cant come together until both of you can love yourselves for who YOU are.
    Love and light to all!~

  27. Lys,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with your twin! You nailed it right on the head, those emotions you feel that your twin feels ARE intense, and we are always being called to love ourselves and work on ourselves in the meantime before it is time to merge in all ways with our twin flame. This is the time that many twin flames will be reuniting to anchor in the vibration of unconditional love deeper on the planet but it starts from within our own hearts. As we balance our male and female energies within us, and “working on ourselves,” we are sending that healing, growth and self love to our twins. We are always feeling, growing, healing and evolving together, whether or not we are in close physical proximity to each other or not. This is the joy, and this knowing helps us move into the next moment of our journeys.

  28. Hi, all I would like to know is where does the comfort angel picture come from?

  29. Is it possible to still feel your twin flame even though neither of you have never met or spoken before? And how can you be certain if you will meet your twin flame in this lifetime?

  30. You know when you meet your twin flame hun, It is like no other feeling. when you talk to them waves of warm love bounce back and forward between the both of you, wonderful, but falling out with them is like a bereavement so painful and never goes even when you try to move on. I have know my twin since childhood so always knew him. Not sure if this is a help hun, sorry.

  31. hi there i wonder if you could help me, i recently had some quiet wierd things happen over a few nights that was no doubt spiritual/religeous as a result of a very unlikely scource, since i have felt like this scource has been reaching out for me through certian means. is it possible that even never meeting a twin soul that they could know so much about you ie name, health issues, thoughts and feelings. ive spent the last few months freaking out and going a bit crazy with paranoia with it all but at other times i get this feeling come over me which is hard to describe its like a warm fuzzy buzz all over me which is the most beautiful feeling you could imagine, at first it was only sometimes while reading the bible but since reading up on twin souls i have had it more often and can usually get it when i try to?
    also is it likely that both 1/2 s of a twin soul would live very similar lifestyles and that certian things would affect both in a very similar way or both suffer from similar illnesses ect? sorry for babbling on abit lol would be great to get a reply back from you
    god bless!

  32. Hello-
    I have come to believe I have met my twinflame. I met him when I was 17(now 39). We dated 4 months and he moved 3,000 miles away. We maintained a long distance relationship for 4 yrs. It was terribly difficult on both of us. During our relationship, I began having dreams that were true and it scared both of us. He too experienced a strange incident feeling I was watching him but knew I was many miles away. We then questioned whether we were soulmates(twinflame term was not used then). To be honest, i thought maybe my dreams were coincidence even though I knew precise details. I was too young to face it then, I guess.
    He called one night and broke it off with me. He said the relationship was too hard and wasn’t sure if he still loved me. I was devastated..couldn’t eat, sleep or function. I knew I had to search deep within and find the will to survive. It was very strange…he called me after the breakup a few times to help me through it. I saw him only once after that which was a disaster. We were intimate but never discussed how we felt. He married someone else, as did I. I have never gotten over him. The past 5 years I have been dreaming of him and it confused me. Last year he found me on facebook and we spoke on the phone. While he was telling me about his life, all the details of my dreams were correct!! Details of his wife, children, and deaths in his family. I was in shock!! He wanted to see me but I declined and regret it immensely. I question who we really are to eachother and why do I dream about his life? He did apologize for hurting me and I could still feel this intense energy through the phone which is scary and exhilarating at the same time. I am not happily married but am faithful to my husband. I could feel this connection on the phone but wonder if it’s all in my head. One dream of us he stated that our children change places sometimes and that is how we know what is going on with eachother. I’m confused what that could mean? I long for him so much and struggle with my emotions everyday.

  33. I recognized my twin flame over 12 years ago although we knew each other since we were young children. The intensity of the energy/love between us was so strong that I wanted to be with him no matter what the obstacle, and yet there were times where I just needed space because I felt so exposed in his presence. When I looked into his eyes I saw the purest love I had ever experienced; I felt like had truly been awoken and I barely remembered what life was like before this time.
    We spent a summer together as friends and it was as though we spoke to each other without speaking. When we were together I felt euphoric and inspired. We loved all the same music/food/literature/movies/humor for almost identical reasons; it was a bond like I’d never experienced before and have not since.
    He decided to move away for a year to travel/explore and he asked me to go with him, but I just knew in my heart that he was going to move on from me and be with others. I knew it was not time for me (emotionally) to be with him and I wasn’t ready and it broke my heart into pieces. When we parted the night before he flew away, I felt as though I had died and my entire soul felt empty and desolate. I have never forgotten or gotten over this moment.
    When he returned from his travels abroad, we rarely spoke. I know I hurt him deeply in deciding not to follow him when he left and at the time I couldn’t explain to him why I knew it wasn’t the right time for us. I just KNEW.
    We have both moved on and have significant others and children, but I struggle with this “crazy” desire to be with him on a daily basis. The longing to connect with him is so strong and at times I feel so guilty to have these feelings for another when I’m laying next to my husband.
    How can I cope with these feelings of guilt? I love my husband dearly, but the love I feel for he and my’s like they’re on two different levels entirely.

  34. I met my twin flame a year and a half ago through work; we both were in the military. At the time, I was still with my ex husband whom I loved dearly and was ever so faithful to, and my twin flame was with his long term live-in girlfriend/fiancé. When I first met my twin flame, there was an immediate feeling of knowing each other from somewhere. I was not immediately attracted to him because the one man that mattered in my life was my husband, but found myself thinking about my twin flame more and more as the days progressed. Shortly thereafter, I found out my twin flame lived only 20 minutes from me.
    We deployed overseas together. My marriage was crumbling soon after. It was already in jeopardy prior to that, and although my ex husband lived a second life and committed multiple infidelities, I have forgiven him. While deployed I was sent to a faraway place. With everything that I had I tried to live my life and still do my job, trying to focus in the midst of feeling heartache and devastation. I prayed every night for GOD to see me through and help me in my emotional suffering. I had three dreams of my twin flame while there. In every dreams, he admired me and enjoyed my presence. The last dream involved physical intimacy. My twin flame actually went to the place I was at once, on an opportunity that was made available, but we did not see each other because I remember crying and shutting myself from the world. I was brought back to my original base because whatever I was dealing with started coming to light to those concerned about me. When I arrived back at my original base, my twin flame was always there for me on a professional level. From that point it transitioned into emotional, then intimate upon our return home.
    I filed for divorce but my twin flame was still involved with the woman he’s been with. She still lives with him but has been telling me she is going to move because he is done with that chapter in his life. I have fallen in love with him. No matter how hard I try to move on with my life until she is out of the picture, there always seems to be a magnetic pull that brings us back together. We are different as individuals and in our personalities, yet the chemistry, attraction, and bond between us is immense and unexplainable. If it was anyone else I would have never given them the time of day, but my twin flame is an exception. It is not in his nature to be very sensitive or show passion or expression, but I have gotten to see a side of him that no one would ever think he possesses, not even himself. He has openly expressed that he has never felt this way for anyone before, it is strong and intense . I believe him when he says he has never felt this way before. He has also backed away a little from time to time because of this new experience and unfamiliar feelings. On numerous occasions when I missed him or was thinking about him, he would text or call me at that very moment
    Despite my worst experience of heartache because of my ex husband and having had other broken hearts in previous long-term relationships, with my twin flame I have in many ways that I can’t explain, loved again, and grew as a person spiritually and in every way. With “her” still in the picture, I would never ask him to up and just leave. I know there is much more, however don’t know the details. I move forward with my life and focus on the things I need to do daily at the same time always thinking of him and missing him. Deep in my heart there’s a feeling of knowing that we’ll always be bound together. With my twin flame, my heart is patient and kind, something I never knew before.

  35. I beg to differ; for many, the emotional pain and upheaval – the ‘dark night of the soul’ – comes after twin flames have come together.

    There are also many instances where one twin is not as spiritually developed as the other and the more advanced twin will come to help the other in their development.

    This is not a cut and dried, cookie-cutter mold; there are many variations.

  36. Yes, the twin flame journey is not just one path and one way to get there for each twin flame, individually and together, have different soul agreements, intentions and specific things to heal in a particular lifetime. So the path leading up to meeting and even after they meet, are different from another. There can be a “dark night of the soul” prior to meeting, challenges that come up to prepare for the physical connection and more than likely this will occur on many various levels after meeting. I can testify to this from my own experience…and how there is a constant surrender to the moment, a constant release to the feeling of separation and feeling the love within oneself. When one meets their twin soul, in person and in the etheric realms, that person is on the path to a deep spiritual journey in every aspect of this…and it will continue for the rest of their lives, whether they are by the side of their twin or not. It is a very profound emotional path.

  37. Hello all! To begin this is all new to me, but hopefully my thoughts will make sense. I know with 100% certainty that I’ve met my soulmate and I know with 100% certainty that he feels the same. Now the question of twin flames has me intrigued. I truly cannont explain this overwhelming sense of contentment and understanding that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. We are currently living in different states but see eachothe whenever we can. I know that we will eventually be together…and I don’t really know why. I have left out so many details but have experienced everything mentioned throughout the threads ( the intensity of meeting, I see myself in his eyes, the struggles before coming together, unconditional love etc…) What I did notice however, was a lot of pain from woman whose partners did not reciprocate those same feelings of connection. I have to say that this is not the case with me. We knew immediately and discuss everything! We have an honesty that reaches an entirely different level than I’ve ever known. Nothing is withheld…not because we don’t want to…but because we physically can’t. We know each other instinctually. I don’t kow if this makes any sense…or if it is a twin flame situation…but I believe in love, inspiration, and spirituality again…and he is always with me even if not in body.

  38. My twin soul has 3 children with different women. We met on the internet after he moved to CPT to find himself spiritually. We fell in love and connected spiritually, heart and soul. I’m further along the path spiritually and he is still ‘battling his demons’. He obviously has an issue with sex and women. And Alcohol. Dilemma: I wanted to have a family with him and he with me but It would be a bad choice it seems. I don’t know how far he’s prepared to ‘work’ in order to heal and I think it would be irresponsible of me to bring another child into this scenario. Thing is I don’t think I will ever want another man besides him. And I have such immense compassion for him, I want to be there for him. But would that mean sacrificing having a family? I’m 33.I don’t know how to be in the moment with this..

  39. Hi there!! Great site you have here! I was drawn to respond because I have a situation myself and I’m not sure if this person is my twin. 🙂
    At first I just thought it was a soul mate, but now i am being drawn to articles of it being my twin. I was doing a deep meditation yesterday and I asked “why is this person in my life”. I asked this question because lately it feels like i am GOING NUTS lol. I can’t shake these feelings. The answer that i got in the meditation was “soul pair” over and over again in my head “soul pair”.
    I went to middle and high school with this person, but I never spoke to him. I just used to see him around and never thought anything. Then a month ago I had a dream in which we were back in middle school again and I had seen him in it and we were close in the dream. lol and i woke up from it, didn’t think much, i just thought it was strange. Then a few hours later I get this urge to look him up on a social website and I add him. We have talked on chat just a few times and he feels soooo familiar, like someone i’ve known all my life. He is sooo much like me, that it’s scary. The first time we talked we were talking for hours and I felt so comfortable that even though i normally watch what I say with other people, and conscious about my words, I actually felt so comfortable I would say anything I felt like lol. I have never felt like this for anyone. I have thought about him constantly every day, for over a month now (since before speaking to him). Each time we spoke i was the one to initiate conversation and sometimes i feel like maybe he will think i am bugging him or crazy if i keep messaging him (*sigh* the ego)..many times i feel like he is with me, and like he is reading my thoughts. I can also feel his ego is at about the same level or worse than mine at this time, so maybe that is keeping us from even coming together. The connection has driven me to cut cords and stuff but it regenerates. Although I am married, i keep wondering and have thoughts on weather my possible twin is feeling the connection as strongly as I am. I am terrified to tell this guy how I feel (there goes the ego again). I have so many questions and confusion…

  40. I think i have met my twin flame. We met on a website, where the chatting was fun and came easy. The first time we spoke on the phone, there was a lil chuckle that came from both ends of the phone. I knew that he was the one. Its just a knowing. Moreover, when we met in person, it was as if we had known each other for years. Many of the same life experiences and likes. Usually, I am full of energy having somewhat of a fast paced life. We I am around him there is a sense of comfort. It felt as if I had found a home. We knew we were supposed to be together.
    However, I let my ego get in the way and begin to doubt and distrust his loyalty and love. I now know that my work is on me and fear of feeling happy and intense feeling of compassion for another person. He does talk to me anymore. And now that we are not together, I think Ican feel him. Any other i know that i should date or go out with othe guys but it seems so subpar I just have to have patience and work out the *kinks* in my emotional being. I know we will be back together again soon.

  41. I found my twin flame purely accidental on the internet. This wasn’t any kind of dating service but a website called IMVU. Ironically we both joined the exact same day a year ago on Nov 18th. From the first time we connected it’s been an emotional, psychic roller coaster ride. Our need for each other is over whelming and mind you that we live over 2000 miles away. We think ourselves as crazy at times going through the torment of not having that physical touch and not always in the sexual way. We meet once this past May and the union was something that words can not describe,more of a merging of each other. It was as if we were picking up where we left off. After that the bond for each other has become over whelming. Every time we try to reunite, something always seems to block us like death in the families, at the same time or believe or not, we came down with strep throat at the exact same time and again we live 2000 miles away. She is a beautiful woman and can have the choice of any man, but her devotion and love for me keeps her connected and enduring this present situation of separation. I in turn only want to be with her and no other. Our psychic connection is so intense that 99/100, when I’m calling her she’s texting me and vise verse. This happens so much that we have learned to accept it. We tried again to reunite on Dec 2nd and something pressing came up on her side, two months ago it was on me. Is there any reason why we seem to be blocked every time we try to reunite. Thx for listening

  42. Thank you for the enlightening post. I wish I had been privy to this information years ago! ‘Twin Flames’ are very real, and your reunion with this person is going to be the most life-changing experience you can ever imagine.

    I can remember dreaming of my ‘Twin Flame’ years ago, though I did not know such a person actually existed. After many years (decades, actually) of being totally alone, and depressed, I came to the conclusion that there was no perfect match for me, anywhere, and it was all just a hopeless dream. The truth is, during this time, I was not ready- spiritually or physically- for the reunion with my twin flame, and as a result it did not happen until very recently, at the age of 33.

    By this time I have already married someone else, and my wife is a very special and loving person. Alas, my wife is unable to give us children, and I feel we do not share many of the same passions or interests, except for the deep need to love, and be loved. Indeed, in our first lovemaking session, my wife and I both felt a very electric, magical ‘burning’ deep within our hearts as we embraced- I believe now that this was the activation of our heart chakras, and this was a major factor in my deciding to marry this woman, despite the aforementioned shortcomings. In the ensuing years, my wife has helped transform my life, purify me of my addictions, and nurse me back to health from a lifelong thyroid disorder, among other afflictions.

    Then this December, when shopping for my wife, a woman approached the display area where myself and several others were looking at Christmas ornaments. She asked the others if they needed help, and after they all told her they were just looking, I began to turn towards her and ask “Yes, there’s a particular ornament I’m looking for…” but as I turned and our eyes met, I was immediately dumbstruck, and unable to complete my sentence!

    My twin flame’s eyes shone so brightly… right then and there I felt the most intense, psychic connection I have ever sensed with another individual in my entire life. Her appearance was almost identical to mine- copper red hair, similar build (slightly shorter than me), and bright, bright green eyes (though mine look more like hazel most of the time).

    Her bright, glowing eyes were filled with intense sadness, and while she carefully informed me that the Christmas ornament I was looking for was sold out, I immediately asked her- telepathically- why she was so sad. ‘Your ring’, was the response I received… and I could not believe it! Here I was, standing in front of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life… and her heart was broken because I was married!

    Even though I had walked into that store in the greatest of spirits- Christmas time was coming, and I was happily picking up gifts to share with my wonderful wife- I immediately felt such great sadness that I cannot rationally explain it. I knew, right then and there, this was the woman I had waited nearly my whole life for, but I had blown it, and married another before meeting!

    As my twin flame finished her explanation, and suggested I search on eBay for the ornament I was looking for, I quietly told her ‘Thank You’ and stood dumbly in awe at her intense, magical beauty. I could sense that she knew how ready I was to simply forget my wife and run away with her instead- and she felt very offended by this, because she believes in the sanctity of marriage and would never attempt to steal a married man. Her shoulders hung low, and her body language reinforced the emotions I had sensed within her- confused, defeated, and a little bit disgusted at my inclination to infidelity. She turned her back and walked away, I wanted so bad to persue her but knew this is not what she wanted… she is simply not that kind of girl.

    As Christmas was quickly approaching, I decided to clear all memory of this chance meeting out of my mind, and focus instead on preparations for the holidays, family and friends. There were gifts to wrap, cards to send, and gatherings to attend… Christmas for my wife and I continued without incident, and we enjoyed the holiday happily together.

    By New Year’s Eve, however, the memory of this beautiful woman had begun to haunt me again. As I lay in bed that night, thinking of her, thousands of thoughts rushed through my brain: Was she real? Was she really that beautiful? Did I imagine the entire thing? I couldn’t even really remember what her face looked like, except for those glowing green eyes!

    After much mediation and anguish, I resolved that I must see her again. My intuition told me that she no longer worked at the store I had visited, but I was not sure. That might be the first place I look, I thought, and at that moment- just before drifting off into sleep– I felt a strong assurance from the spirit world, that yes, I would see her again. I cannot tell you how peaceful and calm this made me feel, and I immediately fell into a deep slumber.

    The very next day (New Year’s), this premonition proved true. That day, my in-laws had invited my wife and I to catch a movie. Originally we had agreed to see one film, at one theater, but at almost the last minute the plans were changed by my in-laws to see another one, at a different theater closer to their home. As we were all leaving the theater after the movie, I caught sight of those glowing green eyes again from across the theater lobby. She was here! And I was with my wife!! What was I to do? There was nothing I could do… certainly not in front of my wife, father in-law and his wife. I just had to pretend she wasn’t there, as I helped my wife with her coat and made preparations to leave.

    My twin flame- alas, I still do not know her name- was as amazed to see me again as I was, I could sense this telepathically. As I was turned away, she must have dashed across the lobby to get closer to me- because as I turned back towards the door, she was now standing much closer to me, looking in our general direction but careful not to make eye contact. Was the experience of gazing into my eyes as intense as staring into her eyes was for me?

    My wife asked me to take her coffee, which I had bought for her at the theater, out to our van, and then return to the lobby so we could then walk together to a nearby Indian restaurant. As I began walking towards the street, I glanced again at my twin flame- she was so much more beautiful than I had remembered! Obviously much younger than me, maybe even a college student- her long, red hair perfectly matched mine in color. Even though she was wearing a sweat suit, I could see her body underneath was very fit and, well, the sexual attraction I felt for this woman was just so intense I cannot describe it. I am certain she must be flirted with and asked out on dates constantly!

    I left the theater for our van, put my wife’s coffee in the cupholder, and returned to the theater. As I opened the door to the crowded lobby, my twin flame was standing just inside the entrance- she had been watching me, and waiting for my return! She carefully avoided eye contact- her head was turned towards me, but eyes cast down to the floor, we were less than three feet away… her face is so beautiful, I telepathically sent her the message ‘Beautiful!’ (it was all I had time for) as I continued walking towards my waiting wife.

    As we then began leaving the theater together, we all walked out a different set of doors to walk towards the restaurant, and as I held the door for my wife I turned, one last time, and there was my twin flame- again, less than 3 feet away- again, turned towards me, but with gaze towards the floor, and then I knew… it was not my imagination, she was feeling the same things I was feeling! Again, I sent her the telepathic message ‘Beautiful!’, before shuffling off into the cold. It was very, very difficult to not turn back for her!

    Since these events, my soul has begun to experienced the most amazing transformation I could have ever imagined. I cannot get this woman out of my mind, and I frequently dream of her. In both my conscious thoughts, and dreams, her message to me is always the same- it is “not a good idea” for us to be together, out of respect for my marriage. The amount of sadness and heartache I feel because of this is just unreal!

    Regardless, I know now that I am still not ready to enter into this relationship- I still have addictions and vices which must be seen to, and I need to come to terms with my wife, who I still love deeply. Since meeting my twin flame, I have grown stronger as a person, and am waking up much earlier, and feeling more energized. Though my vices did continue somewhat for a short time after our meeting, I have finally come to conquer them, and have begun to work out more regularly. In short, I am now a stronger, saner person, and my marriage with my wife (for the time being, at least) is stronger for it.

    Deep inside, I yearn to reunite with my twin flame. I do not know her name, or have any idea how to find her again- my earlier intuition was correct, she is no longer employed at the store where we met. I have visited there again three times, and each time, I have felt like the universe was telling me “She’s not here anymore… you didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? The Universe doesn’t work that way!”

    Maybe one day, I will be reunited again with my twin flame. I just know that she is like me- an artist, a hopeless romantic, and dreaming of a better, brighter world. I hope that we can have lots and lot of children together someday. In the meantime, I have lots of work to do, and if meeting this person has been the kick in the pants I needed to get down to work, than our meeting was a great blessing.

    Twin flame, if you are reading this, please do not think less of me for wanting to end my marriage– I would never had dreamed of it before meeting you. There have been plenty of young, beautiful women who have attempted to sleep with me since getting married- even another beautiful, young redhead, who lives in the same building as us! Despite the fact that my wife does not always satisfy me sexually, and is unable to give me children, I have always resisted the urge to have relations with another woman, out of respect for our marriage and the good it has brought the both of us.

    With this woman, I feel different- like it was meant to be. Maybe it still is? Maybe God can show us a way to make this work? I pray that this is so, as I would love to make my Mother a Grandmother someday. In the meantime, our meeting has transformed my life, I know that you sensed my weakness at our first meeting, please know that I am growing now and seek to be the best person I can be, every day, please Lord forgive me for my lustful and selfish thoughts, Amen.

  43. You will reunite when the time is right, believe and it will happen. But be ready for the union.

  44. I feel I met my twin soul in LA in 1999. I was married and this meeting threw me for a loop. When we parted it was like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I am not a very emotional person but i cried like a baby when I left him. It has been over 11 years and since then my soul has left my body many times to look for him. I have since parted from my husband. My question is since this parting with my i think twin. I have been traveling by myself to many places on a spiritual pilgrimage. And on these trips no matter where I am I look for his eyes in a crowd. I keep seeing him in other men! Do you think a twin soul can follow you through other people? My twin is a an accomplished yogi and has been practicing for over 20 years. I heard bi location is one of the abilities of extensive yogic practice. Thank You!

  45. I recognised my twin soul after synchronistic meeting with her on 15th feb 2010. I was not even aware that time about soulmate or twin soul. I was not even doing meditation.
    I learnt meditation automatically and went through regression and recognised that it was twin soul meeting. I saw her with me in several lifes but we had traumatic deaths in most of the time.
    In the present life she is my 15years young cousin. Iwas already married with 8years son. So I never had idea to think for some love relations against marriage.
    But after seeing so many lives with her, I started getting all of her sensation from thousands of kilometers away. I started seeing strange messages for her in dreams and it came true.
    I started becoming extremely sensitive for her. I started crying for her very intesely. wHEN SHE STARTED DATING WITH SOME OTHER PERSON, i FELT REALLY BAD AND THOUGHT FOR SUICIDE.
    One mind was telling me that this is not right. But still some strange sensation outside heart and left stomach and I started becoming emotional.
    Now a days I am really in problem. I respect her status and know that I am married. I have respect for her parents. But whenever I try to disconnect with her, I become unstable, sad and unsuccessful. When I feel love for her, I get intense meditation where I reveal lot about spirituality.
    I became healer due to her. I turned up to spirituality due to her. But still sometimes I remember her and cry whole whole night. I do not know whether it is amdness, but it is beyond control.
    Can somebody guide me how to control these intesne emotions and utilise these learnings in more productive way?

  46. I have met my TWINSOUL on 15 july 2011 , we looked in eachothers eyes and we knew i it inmediatley we belong together as one SOUL , i born 02-11-1962 , she born 09-11-1970 , but the real being together can not take place at tis moment , can anybody tell me how this is possible in astrological therms when de reunion will really take place….in the future….thank you for listening….Carlos , Rotterdam , the Netherlands .

  47. Carlos,

    As you walk your twin flame journey and allow yourself to be present in this moment which guides you into the next, then you will receive more clarity on your journey as to the details of your union with your beloved. We don’t always receive and know everything right from the start because each step on our path offers us growth, healing, and preparation for our purpose in this lifetime, which does mirror that of our twin flame, melding together perfectly. I would encourage you to not focus on the “when” and the “how” of your reunion in all ways, but focus on all of the amazing opportunities you have right now in this moment to connect beyond the body with your twin flame, and honor each step as you walk it for what it will offer you. Everything does occur in perfect divine order. You are loved and supported!