Twin Flame Renewal
Follow Ah, my love, aloha, it is me, have you guessed, that the voice that you hear whispering reassurances in your ear at night, is me? have you felt the soft, loving touch of my hand as I lightly caress …
My own poetic creations to inspire you
Follow Ah, my love, aloha, it is me, have you guessed, that the voice that you hear whispering reassurances in your ear at night, is me? have you felt the soft, loving touch of my hand as I lightly caress …
Follow A little inkling of a thought seeped into my being There you sprung, so full of essence and purity Naturally the you that I know, cherish and remember who I am You are an intense display of light within …
Follow Trust me my love, we are breathing in absolute love, the purest emotion that our physical bodies can experience, or even attempt to comprehend We are essence, we are spirit We are ready to be that which we are …
Follow I’ve lost myself in these pages, soul mates swimming in waves of connection and physical intimacy Or a map of the steps and path of souls merging together for a humanitarian mission in the world raising the collective consciousness …
Follow The light in your eyes makes me comfortable being who I am And I am free, though the truth is that I have always been free now I am realizing that my freedom has existed, persistent within me, all …
Follow I feel your presence as the wind tickles my skin, reminds me of the intimacy we shared through our dreams, in past lifetimes, and before we knew of human flesh The soft reminiscence of you as your essence moved …
Follow I call you, dream master I welcome you, dearest angels to meet me in the night, when my breathing has become true to run with me through the visions of all that is, where the past and future merge …
Follow It was a dark night when pain lurked beneath the essence of me Hidden and hovering so closely edged in the corners of memory It was so easy to push the images inside and throw some smiles on top …
Follow Reality shifts and shakes perception, what you think is real may be just an illusion Reality bends and breaks as time permeates what has always been, You have the chance to choose. Reality transforms, attaching to the materialistic objects …
Follow All is Connected Existing as Co-creators Together, Magnifying Truth and Love You are the embers of the fire as it ignites its warmth and spreads it to all that come near You are the raindrops entering into the world …
All is Connected Existing as Co-creators Together, Magnifying Truth and Love Read more »