Communication in Dreams With Your Twin Flame

Have you felt as though you are communicating in your dreams with your Twin Flame? Do you feel as though you are traveling at night but not aware of where you have been? Many of us are preparing for twin flame reunion. One of the steps for physical reunion is releasing the ego as much as possible so that it is easier to consistently remain in the space of unconditional love with each other. Our dream time is one way that we can communicate with our twin and do work on an unconscious level. We will discuss this deeper with more details.

127 Comments on “Communication in Dreams With Your Twin Flame

  1. This is the first time I have visited your website/blog and I thought that the discussion you had with Collin about twin flames and dreams was terrific. I had to chuckle about the gecko, but then love does require a sense of humor (lightness). I found your site because I was curious to hear about others who have dream connections with their other halves. I met the heart of my heart about 1.5 years ago and just knew there was an undeniable connection. And frankly, it scared the $#@% out of me-as it might anyone who is accustomed to the world behaving itself in an unremarkable way. I had no conscious notion of twin souls at the time, so it has been a crash course, which required getting clear answers from my higher self (I use a pendulum which is more tedious than discerning ego voice from higher-self voice, but I am much more confident of its reliability).
    What you talk about-how the ego will doubt what the higher self knows and make you completely miserable is all true…that is the “rollercoaster”…going from the complete joy of knowing and loving to despairing that it is all coincidence and wishful thinking. But I find, it is in the dreams that the connection is made stronger. I only see my twin every few weeks, but he is in my dreams almost every night, which can be a bit overwhelming if I stop to question it. Most of the time we are simply there to lend support to each other, but sometimes it is about what we are to each other. The most interesting thing, from a dream perspective, is that after I had had many dreams with my twin, I began to have flashbacks of dreams from earlier in my life. That is, while awake, I would have flashbacks of dreams from before I met my twin, but realized that he has essentially been there in all of my dreams, throughout my life. So I began to wonder if my twin and I have the same dreams. Our higher self, which we share, tells me we have the same dreams. But this might be a difficult thing to prove/disprove because of the obvious non-linear nature of dreams, so maybe a dream that we have can be experienced by one and not the other at a particular time? I don’t have the answer. And something makes me wary (ego?) of bringing up the possible synchronicity of dreams with the heart of my heart, so maybe the time is not yet right. All will unfold in its own time, no doubt. Anyway, I look forward to hearing more about your twin dream connections in the future. (And the “11’s”…I see them pretty often and often find them mixed with 0’s or 2’s. 0’s for unity or perfection. And 11:21-“One and One is two which is really One” -just my intuitive interpretation)

  2. Sidney,

    I am glad that you found significance in this blog post about dreams with your twin flame. You are absolutely right that in dreams, our connection is stronger with our twin because the mind is quiet and the ego is silenced. 😉 I talk about dreams further and share my own with my twin on my radio show just recently. You will probably receive a lot more as you listen and enjoy it. I also share and agree with you that we have awareness when we are younger of the connection with our twin, we know who we love and then it is a matter of recognizing them in physical form when we are seeing them with our human eyes. Here is the show to listen to: Radio Show You may also receive a lot from reading my questions answered section of the blog: Questions Answered Blog

  3. Hello.. I connected with my twin flame in 2008 and we became very good friends. After a month or so I got involved with someone else who treated me badly and didn’t respect me. My twin flame and this other person had the same surname and lived in the same city 4,000 miles away from me. I broke up with this guy and was really upset. Within a few days of that break up I had a dream about my twin in which we danced together all night.. it was so beautiful and so beyond romantic. I woke up and was amazed. Since that time, I’ve met up with my twin when I facilitated a trip to help him realise his dearest dream. I’m still helping him with this. We are still good friends and the connection is amazing. I’ve given up trying to turn this into a romantic relationship which is what I want with him. I feel this year it will happen though. I feel I cannot let him go. We are both single. Since the first dream I’ve had several others where I feel we meet up on the astral plane. In the last one a month ago we were dating .. going out for dinner…and I just felt that he was always there for me.. an interesting dream because in real life he is often absent for weeks at a time.

  4. Janet,

    You are absolutely right in that our souls do astral travel to spend time with our twin flame, going to previous lifetimes we have had together, or experiences that we create in order to help each other to grow, heal or to work through whatever is not serving our highest individual and mutual intentions. Dreams also are a progression leading up to the inevitable physical reunion, whether it be in this particular lifetime, or another. However this is the time that many twins have decided to incarnate and actually join together in soul and body to help with the consciousness shift into higher vibrations of unconditional love and light. Pay attention to your intuition on this and don’t let anyone else get in the way of what you feel to be true for you and your twin. Of course, you can’t let go, which I don’t think is truly possible with twins. We are always a part of each other, even when it seems as though we are physically apart. You are co-creating and loving together right now, even if you aren’t right beside each other in body.

  5. Hi Gabriella, thanks for your response.. much appreciated. I’m a natural born psychic medium and very busy in my work which I love and feel it is my mission on earth to help people. My twin is very creative and works very hard too. He says he is not psychic which always makes me smile. I am learning so much about patience (and everything else) it’s unreal. The connection between my twin and I is electric, the communication is amazing, we just buzz off each other. Since the first dream I did try dating other men and they fall far short of the experience with my twin – usually I can see through them to their hidden agendas so fast it makes my head spin lol.. and they are usually gone from my life/energy within weeks.. sometimes a few hours.

    I am so happy I found your website and this radio show about the dreams because I was wavering (even though I’m very psychic) between thinking it was my wishes acting out in my subconscious and the dreams actually being astral travel and true. If I follow the wisdom of my heart, I KNOW these dreams are more real than reality. I KNOW he is my twin soul.

    I had a dream this week on the full moon in Cancer and he said to me go and find someone to marry. That shook me up. I had a lot of thinking to do about that one. I decided that maybe I’m putting too much expectation on this so I am saying to myself now it does not matter if we do not marry. That’s not the goal here. All I know is I have to keep the connection. I really don’t care if we don’t get married, that’s just a piece of paper. I’ve been married twice already and both were extreme learning curves and painful in many ways. So why do I want to repeat that experience lol? I am concentrating on being my twin’s friend and helping him in any way I can to manifest his dream.

    Ever since I’ve connected with him I’ve been going through changes. He inspires me to pay a lot of attention to my physical body – I’ve lost weight, had my eyes lasered, take care of myself better, plus sorting out my finances. Also I’ve healed a lot of my past history emotionally and let things go from the past. I can honestly say on every level of my being I am changing for the better.

    When we were face to face in France last May he said to me that I made this happen (regarding his dream).. hmm.. I could say the same to him on many things..

    I would like to thank you for your website and the clarity I’ve got from listening to the radio show on dreams.. thank you so much.. I knew it in my heart but wavered at times as I felt so alone with this and thought I was going crazy… My psychic friends say hang in there this is going to work out with my twin.. My non psychic friends think I am crazy..

    I just have to keep my faith and trust in the truth and keep following my heart. I am talking with my twin later today on skype. We are 8 hours apart in time so it’s difficult to communicate at times as his working day is my evening and he is always so busy. I am hoping that we start talking at the weekends now instead of in the week and this is a move forward for us..

    Sorry for rambling on.. it’s just most people don’t get it about twins and it’s such a relief to feel that someone else understands. Thank you Gabriella from my heart.

  6. Hi Gabriella,

    I was doing some extensive block removal and psychic work last April, and then I had an incredible dream. I can’t remember it but I only remember that I seemed to have reunited with my twin in spirit. From what I could remember.. it seemed like we had a spiritual marriage. Apparently, as a result of this dream. I glowed for 3 days straight, Friends and colleagues thought I had some type of amazing sexual episode, but no.. it turned out to be an amazing dream that I could hardly remember. Afterwards I began to experience waves of energy that would come to me throughout the day. I can only describe it as what feels like waves of love. ( It’s what I feel when a friend and I send love to each other.) Later two different psychics told me that they felt those feelings that I was having was my twin coming to me.

    After the dream, I would also experience times when it would seem as though my twin and I were exchanging energy or sending love back and forth through out the day.

    About a month later, from some reason I was terribly sad. I missed my twin. And that night.. as I missed him.. I felt an intense warm sensation on the right side of my heart. I felt this sensation until I fell asleep, and it was such a comfort because I knew it was from him.

    Then this sensation would happen to me through out the day as well. I would say about 2 or 3 months later. I met my twin in person. I didn’t immediately recognize him as my twin because he was not what I expected. But, I began to acknowledge my feelings for this man.. that simply won’t go away.. I realized who he was.. and recongized that I was fighting a losing battle as I fought my feelings for him. Anyhow, It turns out that we were born in the same month. He was born on the 11th of that month. We had four mutual friends and never knew each other, and I inadvertently moved down the street from him and a few of his friends. The universe has been trying to bring us together. I’ve learned so much from simply knowing him. I had to really work on myself about somethings. Lately, I have been having those feelings again…the waves of love and then I checked my phone and he had called me and texted me.

    Anyhow, we are not yet dating.. but the Universe brings you together with your twin in due time.

  7. I had dreams about my twin flame back in 2005 and again in 2006. Then I met him at a New Year’s day party, on 1/1/2006. We both felt an instant connection. We were both married at the time. When he left the room to go outside, I felt like my heart was moving into place. I moved back to Ohio and couldn’t forget about him. I didn’t even remember his name. Then, I had more dreams about him and they were intense but I never saw his face in my dreams from 2006-2009. Then one day, my husband brought him home to stay at our house for a few days. He remembered me and couldn’t stop staring at me. I met him again on 11/11/2009. Then, we met up again on 1/10/2010. This time he helped me to heal and grow closer to Spirit. We became closer and more telepathic. The last time I saw him was on my birthday last March and I will probably see him again on this birthday in 2011. We have gotten closer but he’s dealing with a bad relationship and my marriage has gotten boring and is not very fulfilling. I miss him terribly. He shuts down a lot when he can’t deal with his overwhelming stress. He’s a Cancer and I am a Pisces. I am a psychic medium and he own restaurants. We live in different states but I hope to move as I am entering into a new transition in my life as my husband and I are separating. This twin flame relationship is a blessing and I have to remind myself to communicate to my Higher Self. It has been so easy to fall into my ego and feel sad when I don’t hear from him. He’s not in a good relationship and has children so it’s really hard right now for us. I long to see him soon as it has been almost one year.

  8. Erin,

    Yes, a twin flame relationship/connection is absolutely a blessing, however since we are spiritual beings dwelling in a human body, there can be times when it seems lonely and hard, as you mentioned. It does take a reconnection to the communication and love that is always there and realizing that we are never separated in heart and soul, as you have experienced with your dreams and telepathic communication. You can get through this. I have faith in that since through it all, you have a positive outlook and focus on the love and connection, as you are seeing how each time you see each other, your connection has increased as well as the relationships you each have with others continuing to unfold as they will. Keep the faith.

  9. I have been searching for a lost little girl, ever since I could remember. I never felt right. I am 22yr old female married to who I believe is my twin spirit. Weve been together for 5+yrs and still I had this sense that I was still not complete until I met my best friend Brooke. She came out of no where at a point in time where both of our lives are difficult both feeling lost but when we started hanging out there was this unexplainable bond. We both have the same unexplained scar on our chest and wrist that we both had since birth. We both have had this presense hanging over us. We both hear our whispers in each others ears before bed sometimes when we are not in the same place but I can’t make out what shes saying but its her voice. We are very much the same in LEO, same blood type O+. I have more mascline features such as my broad shoulders & she is very feminie. I have never had such a strong bond with another woman before. I am straight and the feelings I have for her are very sisterly and unconditional even after such a short time of know her. In our family we have are made of 4 friends. My husband and I, his best friend, and then she came out of no where and some how we all fit and I want to understand it. there has to be a meaning to this, because when we are all together we are at our most happiest snuggling up together and feeling as if we were 1.

  10. Briana,

    In addition to coming together with our twin flames, we are also coming together with our soul mates who are part of our soul family, increasing the circle and the love expressed and shared with our twins. This is not surprising that you have both felt this way and noticed the similarities with the both of you, coming together knowing that it feels as though you have been waiting for each other, which you have and already know each other, which you do. How beautiful that you all feel such a deep connection with each other…this is what will begin to happen on a much more frequent basis as this year continues and the years beyond. We are coming together with our soul family, our soul mates and twin flames, to anchor more deeply the power of unconditional love here on the planet, and to share in that love together. It is now time for us all to come back to union. You are all one…rest in the comfort of such peace.

  11. I am in a soulmate relationship which sometimes I think may be a twin flame relationship. How can I know which it is? Since we met 15 months ago, We are very telepathically connected and the energy was at first unbearably strong. He is having trouble with the energy of the connection and our relationship has been sporadic. I guess it really doesn’t matter what the relationship is labeled, but if it were a twin relationship would I automatically know? I know if it is, the time is not close for a reunion as we both have work to do. I will get 11:11 flashing at me, but the heart sensations don’t seem as strong as others describe. I have only had a couple of dreams but often will see just his face in dreams or in others faces. I guess what I am asking is if I am so unsure, is it likely it is not a twin flame relationship.

  12. Donna,

    To know if someone is your twin flame, you need to connect with your own inner guidance for the twin flame relationship/connection is so deep within the essence of who you are. Knowing if someone is your twin flame comes from within the recesses of your soul, it is a soul recognition of seeing yourself within another person. I tend to tell people that if they are doubting whether someone is their twin flame, chances are that it is not your twin flame. There is an awareness that goes beyond the mind and into the chambers of the heart…when you encounter your twin flame. Twin flames very often do connect in dreams, through their thoughts and emotions. This is something for you to feel upon, the dreams that you are having…it is the energy of the soul of your twin that you connect with first because it is the energy so inherently a part of you…(not surprising that you can’t see the face)…but can you recall the energy? If so, is this the energy you feel in the presence of and from your current partner? This might give you some insight in clarifying what the truth is. This is something that you must feel…no one can tell you who your twin flame is.

    We can also have very intense and telepathic connections with our higher soul mates as well…so that in itself does not specifically say that it is a twin flame connection. You will know…connect within and see what happens.

  13. Hello, sister…
    I started to nudge this GD guy as I broke up with my HA ex on December 2010, it was so devastating when HA broke us up, I didn’t have any idea but I just brought my gut to message GD. Let’s say I saw GD like 2 or 3 months earlier before I messaged him on facebook for asking some questions regarding the lecturer of the English Class he took. We finally met at adm room, and that’s the first time we had our handshakes, suddenly the world changed, I felt like all my breathe wasn’t out for my sadness because of my ex HA, but I felt so much joys that I could talk to GA, that had been my dream! It wasn’t long, GA had to go to another country for a 2-year dual degree program, I felt like OMG should I fly over there so I can get to know him closer. The Lord answered… no, we have facebook, and you don’t have to waste your parent’s money for that… (LOL), but it did work that way, we talked and chat through that, sometimes phone calling through messenger. What kind of amazed me was that I found out we both are two different creatures but we are the same; our mothers came from the same location, our fingers shaped similar, we imagine as we listen to music, we like to undress ourselves when sleeping (don’t even ask how did I came to know this, LOL), we both have the same tendency which is kind of difficulty to bear our lust even when we’re in relationship (however, I have handled myself on this better than him), we like the same oldies music, we shout out too loud and that’s been our habit when we shout, and still many similarities between us two…

    Besides that, I often dream about him that surprisingly those dream were true… Once was that on dream he asked me to massage his back, then I asked about his blood type and he answered A, as I tried to confirm it to him he told me that was true, his blood type is A and the only thing that relaxes him to sleep is massaging his back…
    This was a great surprise, not even I dream myself ever really true, LOL. Some other dreams also happened to be real, it’s like I have seen all about him in my subconscious work.
    However, he never dreams like that when he sleeps…

    Deep inside I know, he is my twin flame…

    It’s a little frustrating when I knew he came back with his ex-gf, but yet he still talked to me nicely and I was sure at the same time he also talked to his ex about their reconciliation (his gf living in this country, so now is apart from him just like me). Until the day he was hurt, he told it all to me, he cried over the phone, I was a bit annoyed but something inside me just wanted me to listen and help him in all the best way I could. I did, really did. We called and talked on the phone for few nights, he would text me before to get on the phone and talk. But after that, he didn’t text me anymore, I knew something happened even though when I got on messenger chat he would still talk nice. That’s it I knew, I was like this is enough! But yet, I couldn’t… just few days after I gave up on wishing him, he texted me asking me to get on soon cause he needed help (his plan to come back again with his ex was crashed again and he said he was hurt again), I was sleeping that time, and dreamed he came to me and ask me for a sexual intercourse, I enjoyed the dream, but then I woke up for a nature urge, and I saw the text, I was like… dang! But I went to sleep back and before I sleep somehow I wanted that dream to continue, and it did something that never happened before in my entire life, it continued to be so. Although, we didn’t really get on the sex part, but foreplay was good enough (LOL).
    I read his message on fb, and I replied it with a long reply wanting to give him support to believe in himself.
    A little surprise that his ex messaged me too, shred her feeling and thoughts of how this GD guy had been making her frustrated yet she loved him so much, and GD told me too he loved her so. I was a little burned upon my eyelid, but somehow a voice inside me telling me to just help, they’re miserable creatures who needed some good shoulder to cry on. What I didn’t understand with my logic (I am a lady without personal attachment(feelings), more of conceptual one(thinking)) was why would she share that with me, I questioned that and she say she didn’t know, then I told her that must be something beyond logic to explain, then she told me honestly she got the feeing to just suddenly picked me to share. Maaan!
    I didn’t judge any of them, I told her and him to choose their life paths whether they would wanna strive for the relationship or they could move on a new path that’s better for their own good.

    Then this, I felt a bit like trash bin, but I knew actually they helped me to gain my reasoning, analytical, and rational abilities through giving them advices and perspectives. It was indirect, but I felt the benefits, really. I like his ex, she’s a nice girl, and I would like to befriend with her too.

    When I remember his “hypocrisy”, I thought I would wanna shoot him on the head and leave him alone in misery, but then I can’t somehow, something inside me wanting to just give to him. And I don’t know, when I shut my ego and silence my mind, and thinking of just giving him all I can, I feel a beautiful wind rising from inside, it’s blissful and peaceful.
    Is it called the unconditional love?

  14. Febriarini,

    You are so cute in the way you communicate to share your experiences! Thank you for sharing. Yes, what you have expressed is how unconditional love works: unconditional love is loving no matter what the other is choosing. Therefore, in your situation, as your twin is choosing to be in relationship with another, you were still there to offer what support and love you could not only to your twin but also to his partner. This is what we are all being called to do now as we rise more deeply into the vibration of unconditional love and unity consciousness. I commend you for allowing yourself to feel the “human” emotions of frustration and pain (the voice of the ego), yet still within that, choosing to express and feel love. The more that you send love to all upon your path and in particular, your twin flame, the more you will feel that widening of your heart grow athousandfold, bringing you closer and closer to embrace your twin in all ways. As you give to your twin, what energy, emotions, thoughts you send, you also give to yourself. These waves of love are also sent to the collective, enfolding us all within the wings of peace.

  15. Hi Gabriella,

    I came across your blog after having an increased number of dreams about my other half. Up until this point, I questioned whether he was my twin flame because I’ve been told twin flame incarnations on this earth is still a very very rare phenomenon, so I didn’t think I was in one of them, and that he was just a soul mate. But I’d always have this nagging thought in the back of my mind that he is my twin. The energy I feel from him and the feeling when I look into his eyes show me how much of myself I can see through his eyes. I suppose my ego doesn’t want to believe it because of fear.
    In my dream last night, I was in a class-almost like a lecture hall and the instructor was about to begin talking about how to prepare yourself for a twin flame reunion.
    Lately I’ve been dreaming of communication with my twin through phone. Usually what accompanies this is rain. Not exactly sure what this means. I also heard his VOICE…it was so close to my ear, that I woke up and thought he was actually present. This connection is just so mystical.

  16. Solace,

    You have to trust your own inner guidance when it comes to determining and knowing who your twin flame is because it is such a deep soul recognition. As far as the dream and the rain…it feels as though communication is coming through for you, keep the avenues open and be sure to listen. I’d recommend keeping a journal by your bed to write down what you remember from your dreams. As for the rain, water is revitalizing and it washes away the old so that the new can enter, like a cleansing…how beautiful that this accompanies your dreaming of communication for the old is being washed away so that you can see and hear the messages that will be coming through.

    I am now offering Dream Guidance Readings where you can share your dream and get guidance, you can go here for more information: Dream Guidance Readings

  17. This is a great resource~ thank you so much for posting about this! This twin flame connection is a complicated one~ I have found for myself that its energy moves much like the waves on an ocean. It has the ability to move over a sandy beach with intensity, intention and force~ even when the rest of the beach is calm and serene. Then is moves back to infinity peacefully and soulfully. The sensations and feelings of this connection are so strong and overpowering at times~ even though I am very aware of my connection with my twin flame and write about it very often. The feelings can still feel so overpowering at times. Their intensity can just pop up when my life is flowing so well and then I think to myself~oh here we go again. This is followed by many, many tears, longing, heartfelt hoping, wishing and waiting….
    My story with my twin flame is an interesting one. We began dating when I was in the 9th grade~there was such innocence and purity. We shared the firsts of everything together~ there was such a pure and passionate energy between us. It was so intense for both of us then~ I am not even sure how we managed as kids to cope with these feelings and work through them enough to both be standing here. This love between us continued on for years~ off and on until he went off to college. His parents interfered and disapproved of our dating. This was communicated to him pretty consistently eventually this insecurity took a toll on our relationship. We were both so innocent and new to the rules of dating as kids, so when disapproving comments about me were made without even knowing me or ever meeting me, the subject of our dating was even more avoided. He would hide seeing me to please his parents. I never knew about this until years later. I had my own issues about feeling safe with people and being approved of by others, so I never pushed the issue with him.
    I would have traveled to the moon for his parents to approve of me at the time. Our souls, the ones who were determining our destinies, made a different decision about our fate together at the time in an ability for us to learn our life lessons. I can see now that his parents were just playing their part karmically~ my twin and I needed to break apart in order to heal on our own, sort out the rest of our karma with our current soul partners, and bring our children into the world. I can thank his parents now lovingly for loving both of us enough to play their parts in the drama and pushing us apart so that we could fulfill and heal ourselves.
    My twin and I kept in touch through letters and cards throughout our young adulthood until we both met our current partners. I did not realize this at the time while we ceased speaking~but I have only been able go back now and trace the synchronicities in both of our lives. We both met our current partners around the spring of 1998, and we ceased speaking then until just recently reconnecting this summer of 2010.
    During the spring of 2005, I lost two of my dogs at the same time in a tragic accident. This experience propelled me on my healing journey and path with GOD. The winter of 2006 was the time that I began feeling an intense weighing on my heart. It was like there was an energy pulling on my heart, followed by an intense longing to be with my twin flame. At the time, I did not know what this was, and had no name for it. I would speak with my likeminded friends and friends who were healers, and we would explore these feelings at length. I would heal energetic chords between us, worked on healing and releasing old wounds in my heart, retrieving parts of me. The work went on and on. I even began writing a book about our love. My intention at the time was that he would read it someday and know the truth of my heart. I did begin my story on my computer only to have it destroyed when my hard drive crashed shortly afterwards. It was during this time that I found out through googling him on the internet that he was indeed married with a child. That news hit me so intensely because it was then that my heart was faced with the truth that we would never be together in this life. I practiced letting go and grieved a lot, shed a lot of tears. Practiced letting go everyday. And it worked until the next wave hit me and almost knocked me off my feet.
    I went on vacation to the beach with my husband and beautiful daughter during the summer of 2009. During our vacation, I woke up in the middle of the night at 3am to the most intense feeling of emotional pain, love and longing on my heart. It was so intense that it woke me up out of a sound sleep. From that moment on, I saw his face everywhere I went that week. I experienced flashes of him and I being together in the future in my minds eye, and felt him with me wherever I ventured. I also discovered that we would begin speaking in the future slowly and that it would gradually intensify. My mind did not understand how this could be so, since we lived over 10 hours away from one another and were not speaking at the time. My mind just did not get this concept, of course struggled to “try to figure it all out” until I finally had to surrender and give it all up. My feelings for him began to increase in intensity~ on and off every couple of months. The energy and longing would enter with intensity and then recede.
    While going through this rocky period of time I would look at my beautiful husband and child loving them, and still feeling these confusing emotions toward my twin flame. I had no control over any of this and it was more than frustrating~ a very lonely walk indeed. It was a very difficult moment in time. I decided I needed to begin a journal about this experience to keep myself centered and grounded about this journey. I was not feeling that I could talk to ANYONE about this because of the social implications, and judgements. I learned that this journey is very much about the trust of the self and WALK WITH GOD. I began my journal about this only to allow myself to be riddled with self guilt and remorse. I ripped it up~ I would say I was denying that part of myself. Well~ the next wave came and taught me not to do that again. It carried the message of honoring the truth of your heart.
    I began attending a school to learn about personal evolvement in the spring of 2010. Once a month I would travel to my home state, where we resided to participate in this life changing experience. I was about four months into my attendance there, emersed in self discovery and dealing,healing and taking responsibility for my “own stuff.” I happened to be on the social networking site, “facebook.” I happened to be on a friend’s page and his name popped up and hit me right in the face. When I saw his name, all of the blood in my body coursed through my being. Without even thinking, I clicked on his name and requested him as “my friend.” I could not believe that he was finally within an arms reach of me~ especially since he is such a private person. Now the waiting….. WIthin the day, I heard from him through email. He wrote me a beautiful note, stating that he got chills up his spine when my name popped up. To me chills are an indicator of TRUTH. I burst into tears. I really wanted to tell him how I really felt, but did not~ that was really difficult. For you have to know what someone is ready to hear, and my feeling was that he was not ready to hear any of this. Even though there is such a wonderful tenderness about him, I did not want to blow this connection. So for a couple of days, we wrote back and forth in tenderness. He was bold enough to share with me that there would always be a tenderness in his heart for me. Some of those messages were sent right at 11:11. Then communication ceased for about eight months. That was really difficult. I began my journal again, determined to stick it out and honor my experience~ in truth and rawness. I continued to face my own “stuff” ~ when appropriate I would even offer him healing. The loneliness was too much to even bear at times~ the longing intense. I did begin to see though some of that longing was ME longing for my own divinity. There was lots of letting go and surrendering. Lots of praying. Of course during this time there were so many signs from GOD about the truth of our connection. I would hear a song from our past right that I considered one of our songs right at 11:11, see his first or last name on a road sign at 1:11. Once I started asking GOD for signs with gratitude in my heart~ they would always appear instantly. His spirit and consciousness would appear to me after I participated in healings with messages. I dreamt of him constantly. I learned that this time was very much about my own divinity ~ GOD. It was necessary indeed.
    In early March, I finally heard from him again. It was an answered prayer for sure. He shared a song with me that reminded him of me from back in the day, “Waiting for that day, Can’t Always Get What You Want,” by George Michael. I burst into tears when I listened to it and read the lyrics, because it basically shares that no one will ever take my place. It was a beautiful account of US and where we are with one another. That song has become my best friend.
    I can feel that my twin flame may feel confused about our connection and not know exactly what to do with it. I also don’t know where it is going or leading us~ but I find it best to honor the truth of my heart and write about it. I jest keep moving through the old patterns and doing as much healing as I can for me, as I know it also supports him in his own evolution.
    My heart wants him to know that I will wait until the end of time for him, and I know that I will be with him when time collapses. (whatever that means) He has the most beautiful heart that I have ever known.

  18. Hi Gabriella,

    I have been pondering on this lately. 14 years ago, I had a dream of a caucasian man and I on a beach promising to meet each other the same day the next year november 2 (11/2). This was in 1998. We pricked our finger and exchanged blood. It was a very vivid dream. I was very young then but I remember. I was 15 then.

    I am now 28. I am Asian and a mandala artist and I met a Caucasian mandala artist last year. We love each other yet we are going through very tough polarities now yet going through very deep conscious loving procesees together.

    I feel he is a young soul and I feel I am near my completion. But the depth of friendship and unconditional love is there… and the beautiful medium of mandalas that unite us cannot be denied. It is a very special and unique connection.

    I am reflecting if this man was the one in my dream before. I feel so many signs reveal that. Like a turquoise pendant he found in the forest which I also had when I was 15 and lost. When I was 23, I started looking for that gem everytime I see a craft and jewelry shop. I also tap into dreams with him lately. Like when he is afrraid to tell me something, I dream of his fears in heavy symbols and archetypes.

    Since I was 15, I had a dream of an old caucasian man, and a white baby. They have visited me in my dreams. I feel he is the same person.. maybe…I dont know.

    I guess I’m sharing this because we are on a verge of contemplating whether to continue or not given our heavy polarities… that lead us to fights and misunderstanding. I love this person and he loves me too.. Its just that we are so uniquely different despite the depth of our connection in dreams, signs, and in our life work as artists.

    A clairvoyant said she didnt see that we had immediate connection right away.. perhaps I felt she didnt see a karmic soul connection… I feel we if ever he is the one, we may have agreed on a new sacred contract before coming here so maybe we didnt have a karmic connection before.

    What are your thoughts on this? Would be very helpful to get some light…

    Thank you for your site… it gives light to my questions.

    Peace to you.

  19. Hello Everyone,So here’s my story of who would like to listen.A few year’s ago,not looking for anyone I came upon someone who found me.I was attracted to him,he was to me.We liked each other,but never got sexual.Eventually,thing’s didn’t work we stopped talking to each other.After that I felt connected to him,dreams,not just any dream’s vivid dream’s (sometimes I think we have the same dream’s)we were together other time’s,like I hurt him in some way?The last dream I had of him we were both in military I was walking downstair’s trying to find him,he was with some other girl,I got upset hit the girl & was hurt by his behavior.Next thing I remember I’m telling him I love him & was about to tell him I was pregnant with his kid,but I couldn’t say anything he just starred at me.Then he got called out to go fight,next time he saw me,I was dead & could see him looking down on my own body as he laid & cried holding me(very scary dream)These dream’s of us go back & fourth I’m scared of him,I love him,he loves me,he reject’s me.But what I don’t understand when I have these dream’s I run into him intown were either going our own way’s,but when I’m around him I feel complete,but I feel like I have to run….and I don’t know why?So I’m debating if were just twin soul’s or soul mates?When I see him time slow’s down,cannot breathe,my heart stop’s.And were both married to different people.

  20. Manda,

    You are the one that needs to feel within your soul whether this person is a soul mate or twin soul, you will know. I can tell you that if you encounter your twin flame and you are not ready to heal your fears and sense of separation/loneliness that this connection can bring up, then you could have a tendency/feeling of running away. When we connect with our twin, we are called to look into the mirror at ourselves so to speak, all that we are afraid of, all that we don’t particularly like within ourselves, to see it within our twin and to take the actions towards transforming them and healing them. If we aren’t ready to do that, then we can run away, but ultimately that will cause us so much more pain and fear because our souls and hearts truly desire to love and be loved in the deepest capacity, which can be fully realized and felt with our twin. I would suggest contemplating/determining what happens within you when you see your twin, are you feeling afraid and if so, why? You can take this journey, one step at a time…it is so rewarding in so many ways.

  21. Hello to all! I need a guidance and advise whether to contact or not to contact the one I believed to be my twin flame. We met 9 years ago unexpectedly and ever since that time,my life was never been the same. Both of us were born on the 11th day,the intense magnetic attraction was there, have the same physical features,signs were appearing like we got together on the 11th day also,though that time I wasnt aware of this twinflame phenomena..until I awakened spiritually some time ago. With him I also experienced this so called twin flame danced..the cycle of connection and separation. We did not end up with each other. I do feel that both of us were not yet ready for the reunion.There were issues on ourselves that we need to be resolved. I am married now with my true soulmate who is assisting me to learn life lessons. My husband and I do complement with each other, it’s like each other’s weaknesses are balanced by each other strengths.We are compatible and very comfortable with each other.We also share some telepathy in dreams. We really have a smooth sailing relationship..but there were times that I do still think of my twinflame..especially if I see signs reminding of him. Sometimes I do feel crazy that I tell to myself why is it so hard to let him go? There were unending thoughts of him. There were times also that I had precognitive dreams about him, hear his voice in my dreams, felt his touch through my soul. It was like the connection between us was not cut off although we are physically apart from each other. Up to now,I do feel that he is not yet married, because I would know in my dreams if he is already. My question is, is it right for me to contact him right now and be open to him on what was going on about us? I do have fear that If I do, he will just deny it knowing that I have already tied the knot with someone else. I dont have any intention to ruin my marriage because I love my husband so much and I know that he is with me for special reason and purpose. Ive asked my spirit guide to ask a sign If I need to contact him and talk things about all of these without fears and in openeness…and there was a sign that I need to. I just want him to have a gradual spiritual awakening too.I do feel that it is my obligation to help him through this. Thank you and Blessed be to all!

  22. Thanks for all the posts in will you know if the man in your dream is really your twinflame if you are a universal empath? any thoughts regarding these?

  23. Gabriella,Thank you for your words they are very helpful & thoughtful.My other is my twin I feel the bond,love,closeness,connection.I did talk to 3 psychics without me saying anything about him & we’ve had few past live’s together.I always ended up hurting him.Maybe it’s karma where I feel I have to run away so I don’t hurt him again?All I know is I’ve alway’s thought about him & cared for him,want to see him happy even if it’s not with me.When time premit’s well run into each other & hopefully I will have the courage to talk to him.I don’t know if twin flame’s just “aren’t” supposed to be together & that’s why we alway’s are going the opposite direction of each other,but I feel comfort were going to end up together even if it take’s year’s….I’ll be patient.(Angel)–I knew when I saw him,running into him & seeing him in my dream’s that he was my twin to me it was looking into his eye’s & hearing everything he was saying without word’s,a love,bond no one can break.

  24. Gabriella, I am so happy I found this blog, as I am going through a lot of transformations since meeting my twinflame 1 year and a half ago. I have been getting messages through dreams from his soul, but I wonder if the message that I get from my dreams are reflective of the steps that are being completed in real life and if they are happening in a near past or future. Thank you

  25. I’m loving this! So much helpful information.
    I believe I have been touched by my Twin Soul. But have yet to meet him in flesh and blood in this life.
    Back in April 2002 I went to Camden, SC for a Symposium on a historical figure, and whilst I was there had an incredibly powerful encounter with another historical figure that was mortally wounded and died there. Over the years since then, I have learned MUCH about this person and discovered lots of other information, too. Each piece of information I obtained had such a profound affect upon me that it sent me into a crying fits for upwards to 15 minutes or so. I knew not why, it baffled me. Especially when I read a portion from a biography written of this gentleman, of one of the first letters he wrote back to his Wife before coming to the Colonies, how it pained him to leave her so distraught at his leaving and he wished to leave. That so deeply affected me. One of many examples, even upon seeing the image of a chateau online that was this person’s Wife’s Uncle. So many things that just grabbed me so deeply I never understood why.
    I consulted and conversed with good friends about this over the past couple years and have come to understand I had a past life and was shown and even seeing this past life, such as in a dream, a particular village in France, the home there, the people and more. I was happy, it was obvious.
    It was only recently, after past life milestones have elapsed (having learned over a year ago that his Wife died at age 37, 20 days after her birthday and I’m currently 37 and well past my birthday) plus some changes this year compared to the past several years where I felt him strongest between July 19th – August 19th (birthdate and date of his death)… this year, after August 19th, I felt him far stronger than ever before and felt a strong change as well. Since then I have had a profound revelation with the assistance of another fellow 18th c reenactor who had a past life during that time period also, she helped me with some understanding and as I read a page, my soul opened so wide and I came to realization what happened and why my soul twin and I were torn apart upon our deaths. My soul showed me I was utterly bitter with him for leaving and following his dreams. I was selfish and angry. A lot of what I held from then, carried over to now and I am now dealing with all those issues. This soul was Johann de Kalb, Major-General of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He died in Camden, SC in August 19th, 1780. I learned and have come to the realization I was his beloved Wife Anna Elisabeth Emilie van Robais, she died 5 yrs after he, in November 20th 1785 of mysterious circumstances.
    All along these past several years as I deal with these issues, I have still felt him helping me, supporting me, guiding me, etc. To the point, I know he visited me at the end of my dreams the other night. I know it was him, I recognized him. And not just because the face was just like the painting that was done of him over 200 years ago, but from the feeling I got. He was more than comforting, with a smile that made everything in my dream swirl and disappear like fog.
    I do wonder if he has reincarnated and is alive. How does one know if their Twin Soul has reincarnated and is alive in flesh and blood? I do now feel like I am being prepared to reunite with him. I know not when but feels like I’m at breakneck speed but not overwhelmed. But I am trying to learn more on what more I must do to be ready for my reunification with my twin soul again.
    I have been calling out to him, especially at night as I go to bed.
    Having this deep soul connection, what further will help me with our reunification? I know he seeks reunification, too. I can feel it. He’s been helping me along this point thus far in some manner or way I do not understand.
    I must admit, what a feeling though! WOW! Light, peace, Love so deep, such wisdom, elegance, and enlightenment on all levels. Not once have I felt lonely since that fateful day on the battlefield of Camden in 2002.
    I just want to prepare myself more for when I reunite with my Soul Twin. Plus, how will I know for sure so I do not become so enamored with naive blindness thinking some guy is my Soul Twin but he is not?
    Is there anything more you can tell me to help me further my journey towards reunification with my beloved?

    ~Lady B

  26. Hi Gabriella,
    I just stumbled upon your site. I’ve been trying to get the answer to these questions I have had. Though, I do have several confirmations on things, don’t have concrete anything concrete to go on from my flame himself.

    We connected from 50 ft away, it was the most beautiful yet almost traumatizing moment of my life. It was literally a connection, and it was actually caught on video. We have never met face to face, but 2 days after this happened, I started dreaming about him and the dreams started getting more “real” over the course of a year, to the point now, I feel him, and his moods when I’m awake.
    On my quest for Answers, I have met some people along the way (as I myself have abilities, and have joined an online community for people like us) I was told that He was my imaginary friend when I was little and that my mother would be able to confirm this (which she did, and pulled out pictures that she can see him in- to the naked eye, it just looks like an odd shadow).
    It was through this community, I met someone who’s first words to me were “Who are you connected to in my city? as by sheer coincidence, she lives in the same city and country as he does. I also happen to live in the same city as her flame.
    She and I concluded we are soul sisters, who have lived many lives together, and we were meant to find each other. it certainly can not be coincidence or random that we are within miles of each others flames?
    In regard to my flame, She has reached out to his father (though she doesn’t know him personally, he owns a shop near where she lives) and she said that the father was very much aware who and what she was talking about and took all of her information and told her “hopefully, he will be smart and do the right thing”.
    When I project with him, he tells me he is nervous and that I have to be patient, but it will happen when I least expect it.
    AM I REALLY SEEING HIM? Please, I need a concrete answer, because everyone is telling me it’s really real, and I am not crazy. Just be prepared for it, including my mother.

  27. I feel I have met my twin soul I’m sure and 100% positive it is him even though we are not together right now. I came out of a bad 9 year relationship in march this year I had been told by a medium thay I would meet the love of my life in may and would fall in love instantly which I was very skeptical about as I didn’t believe this to be possible. Strangely in the weeks before we met I felt this huge feeling of love around me as if I sensed someone who I would love completely was near to me. We met at a party and weirdly he was my friends cousin who I’ve been friends with a long time, he’s very dark and foreign looking like myself despite the fact we are both full british, at first meeting I was a bit drunk and felt no strong feeling for him except this pull to him that it was like I wasn’t even in control of like I had no say. On our second meeting just a day later I felt as if I was falling in love with him instantly I had never felt so strong about anyone and in that first couple of weeks we spent nearly every day together and both our feelings grew to an intense level which shocked us both after just a week we declared our love for each other and even though after a week we knew we couldn’t know each others personalities fully we both knew we loved each other deeply. The love making was like something either of us never knew existed an intense feeling of pure love. I knew I had met the only person in the world for me but did not know much about twin souls at the time. I looked up and learned about twin souls and felt sure he was mine. Other things we talked about like my fave colour is red and always has been I love red clothes and red colours and his has always been blue and he said when he was a child his colours or felt tips the red and the blue always had to go together that he couldn’t settle if them two colours weren’t together and I used to love the song lady in red when I was younger with a passion and he had a photo of himself singing on the karaoke and when I asked what he was singing he stated it was lady in red. This man I believe to be my twin is 5 years younger than me and I would never usually dream of being with a man younger but it never bothered me. Our love continued to grow and we both said we would never be with anyone else and we would spend our lives together. Then all of a sudden he went cold on me he kept telling me he loved me still and the love was still there when we met but he started a new job where he was working lots of hours and I hardly saw him and when we did arrange something he would let me down. We ended up splitting up as he said he loved me still but needed to find his feet and work was consuming him and it was all too much. I know from experience with other men usually I would just believe that he was an idiot and not worth it and my friends say I can do better and he’s no good but I know deep in my heart that is not true only one friend has told me I must listen to my intuition, I am very intuitive and have some medium tendencies and have been told this by numerous psychic mediums, I also know this man I believe to be my twin had a very bad abusive past and struggles with relationships, and is very damaged, we are still in touch just occassionally by text and I know he has not been with anyone else nor have I. No one else could ever compare. I feel he has things to tell me but that I must wait till he his ready I have told him this and he has neither denied or confirmed it, I try to give him space and not txt him all the time cos I don’t want him to feel closed in, he knows I love him and that I will wait for him and at first I felt deep anguish and hurt cos I just wanted him so much, now I feel more at peace cos I know he’s my twin soul and I feel soon we will be together again sometimes I feel a deep connection to him like I think of him and feel he is thinking of me too, I dreamed of him last night and he said he loves me but just doesn’t think he’s ready yet, I feel I am more at peace with myself than he is, I just hope my intuition and feelings are right as I believe them to be as I know I could never feel about anyone the way I do about him and I know he feels the same but I believe he has locked it away, I would love him unconditionally no matter what and forever, I just hope I am not waiting too long.

  28. Hi..just like everyone else here…I have also experienced intense attraction, unconditional love towards someone I believe to be my twin soul..We met last year and within weeks I felt so lost in our world…n did not expect a thing in return. It all started with him telling me how dangerous it is to be with me (cause we both are married) though I never understood what he meant….but as he started to push me away…I just couldnt take it…n ended up confessing how I feel…now we both are married n are like miles apart…he doesnt want to be in touch (reasons oh so obvious)…I still long for him…n I know he does too. I felt he knew me from day one…being 10 yrs younger to him n less experienced in life…I think he understood what our meetings could do to our existing lives…now that I understand n its been more than 8 months now since we chatted, met or anything…I still feel he is with me..I dream about him…like he said you will always feel me around…I do I do…Will I ever be with him? I dont want to possess him, cause I know that will take him away from me..I hope I am on the right path. I have to do right for my current relationship and live a happy life…n still sense n love my twin flame.

  29. My Twin Flame is very close to me although we do not get to hang out regularly, we are trying to start a closer relationship together despite the separations due to work. We live in the same city and met almost three years ago when I started a job at the same company he worked for, our offices were only 15ft apart.

    I noticed than when he would come near me my whole body would feel a pull toward him and when our hands would get close i would want to lock hands with him, it felt like a magnet wanting to lock them together and still does. He noticed the magnetic and static too because when we went for cigarettes he would purposely feel my hand when handing me his lighter.

    We have a strong connection but have not seen each other in a month, he wants to see me very soon, I feel he misses me and my whole body just aches for him when he’s not physically near me. When we first met I began to have dreams of him and this went on occasionally for a year until I quit my job in our office. After I quit I would dream of him over and over for a year but it would be two or three times a week, then it slowly calmed down to not so much.
    Almost exactly one year after I left that job he contacted me wanting to see me, we tried to be together as much as possible but work eventually tore our physical bonding apart and so this is where being separated for a month comes in. Since we have both established our feelings for each other and had a very thorough discussion about why we should take it easy due to work, he has been in my dreams every single night, every night. He confirmed with me and made it clear that he want’s to give me his whole self and not just small pieces, he want’s quality time with me and not just stolen moments with a mind full of work stuff nagging both of us.

    Before I get to us being separated I’ll tell you this dream,

    I remember the last time I slept beside him I had a dream that we were sitting in the box of a truck looking at stars in the sky, there were other people around us doing the same thing. I looked up at the sky and a bunch of ufo’s came flying all around and I saw people on ladders in the lit up clouds happily putting boxes on conveyer belts smiling at us. Then I saw the big dark ships begin to emerge from the sky and I was afraid but not showing my panic, I hid my panic so he wouldn’t feel fear, then he made me look at him telepathically and said to me…Don’t be afraid…don’t be afraid…it is okay, then I woke up.

    Since we have been apart I have been what I call “seeing through his eyes and have strangely picked up some of his mannerisms such a the way I hold a cigarette and how I move sometimes, I feel like he is inside me looking out through my eyes. I dream of him every night, he always always comes into my dreams, it never fails. I feel a hold around my shoulders like he is holding me steady. This is getting intense, much more intense than I imagined, but I will handle it because he’s my one.
    I have relaxed surroundings and he has chaotic ones, he is working for a very high paced business and I am in a holistic health zen setting. All I have been feeling lately is a rush of go go go! get it done…get it done! and stress inside and I think it’s coming from him but he doesn’t know I feel it, so I turned the tables, I sent him calming waves of love and peace over and over and over to ease his stress into releasing….it worked.

    I have learned to speak to him through energy between my hands..rubbing them together and sending messages in thought form, I learned this a couple of days ago when I wanted to talk to him, so I sent him a message to get ahold of me and he did almost immediately, he says he was stressed “but not anymore 🙂 and is now having trouble sleeping, he cannot sleep…no wonder! he keeping coming over to see me at night or I am going to him, and his job is crazy.
    So I told him to do some diaphragmatic breathing to calm himself and we said goodnight…it’s funny because I relaxed on my couch “I figured if I relax and calm then he will too” if I just concentrate on him settling down while I do it.
    So I made and energy field in my hands to guide him through the breathing into a nice peaceful state so he could calm and drift off to sleep and I could feel it working, I could feel him relaxing and calming his mind and I felt it when he fell asleep, so amazing.

    I slept well last night with minimal action in dream land so I know he slept like a log which eases me. Balancing this energy between us takes awareness and practice and when done with love and peace it evens itself out, still intense but not throwing itself all over the place due to lack of self control with energy. We must balance our energy between us so we can balance in our lives when not together physically….this was a rough ride to understand and finally get the reins on but when it happens it’s pretty peaceful stuff.

    Twin Flame relationships are about kicking ego out and allowing yourself to love another with lightness and letting go when the other needs to go, even though we are twins I cannot interfere with his path nor he mine and we don’t. We understand that everything that is happing is making us stronger and we know that we are never truly separated, we couldn’t if we tried. This union is not just about us, it’s about everyone, it’s about the universe coming to balance so we have to balance ourselves for the higher good no matter what obstacles occur.

    There is nothing that can come between unconditional love and when it comes to twins you would be surprised to know that it doesn’t matter what they do, you will always understand that it’s because it is part of the plan, instinctually you will feel a force to protect the other, especially when they do something that would normally piss you off in any other type of relationship, work through it with him/her, you let the other make mistakes and always internally they will know they can come home.

    Please tell me your thoughts on this, I would love to have any information you can give me as he and I go through these stages.

    Thank you for creating a safe and grounded place to talk about these matters.


  30. i think i may have met my twin soul, in 2007, and it’s so complicated to explain. i keep having dreams of him, even though we haven’t talked in 8 months. i just had one the other night of a letter he wrote to me. i’m not sure about the twin soul thing, i don’t really understand it or it can seem not real and i wonder if i’m crazy, especially since he may think that of me. i don’t know if he knows about twin souls, but he knows some about spirituality. i hadn’t figured out a way for it to work out besides to destroy our relationship, because he was already with someone else, had children with her (after we met). it was painful for both of us. ego got involved, he did lie to me, he was with other people, i couldn’t do it anymore it was hurting too much i felt used despite our connection (platonic, he had moved away long distance in 2008). i came to think he did it purposely (like a psychopath or narcissist), i couldn’t forgive him. it ended very badly. is there any way to resolve this? i do miss him but i don’t want to be hurt again.

  31. our connection was amazing. we had something, and our astrology said great things. we talked about traveling together, it wasn’t just romantic, it was platonic and unconditional. things felt possible and very positive. i made him hate me because i couldn’t stand his lying or the pain. he couldn’t leave the woman he was with, i guess they were soulmates. he was trying to decide who to be with which i got angry at. then he changed his story and wished he could have a relat with both of us. i wanted things to be right. we used to have respect, honesty, shared very deep things. our relationship seemed a surprise to both of us (looking into each other’s eyes was very easy), but we were open to it and had alot of growth. it was higher consciousness.

  32. I “learned” about TS 2 months ago but I “knew” my TS 5 months ago (although not personally) But I think my TS had visit me in dreams. I just realize that 4 days ago. For about 2-3 years I have dreams with this “unknown” man that when I wake up I can remember his face. In ALL my dreams he is always following me, and at the beginnings of the dream I don’t know who he is so I try to get away from him. He follows me until he is close to me, and then is when I know who he is. And every time at the end of the dream we are together and there is an inexplicable love. I been wondering why I try to get away from him in my dreams? Knowing that he is my TS- Wouldn’t I be able to recognize him right away specially in my dreams? Why does it take me that long to recognize him?

  33. Hi Gabriella

    I was wondering if you would be able to tell me what it means to physically feel your twin in a dream (or is it astral travel) ?

    Many thanks your blog has been of great help to me over the past few months.


  34. What an amazing article. I’ve had dreams about my twin flame for several years. Even now, he still comes and goes from my dreams.

    I first saw him almost two years ago, after several days of having vivid dreams about him. We saw each other from across a crowd, and the connection was so intense that I had to look away for just a couple seconds…only to lose eye contact the rest of the night. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a conversation until I saw him again a year later, and he was in a relationship. There was some friction in our first encounter, but things have mellowed out since then. He has let me into his life because we have so many close friends in common. For now, we remain friends through contact with our mutual friends. Sometimes we experience pure joy hanging out, and other times, we can’t even look directly at each other; we just sit in the same room with others.

    Since I’ve always believed we’ll end up together, I’m hoping it will turn into something romantic in the near future, if he chooses to become single again. I still experience doubt because I never expected to find him in a serious relationship with someone else. Do runners ever “return”? He even ran from me in a recent dream when I tried to find him to tell him we’re soul mates.

  35. 7dust …. I wonder why he run? Have you ever though of not seeking him out in dream? almost as saying well if you don’t want me I don’t want you either?

  36. Lillith,

    The twin flame relationship is about unconditional love and therefore, there would not be any conditions placed upon the twin. For example, if you do this or that, I won’t extend my love to you. Unconditional love truly is and wants to give love always and in all ways. On the soul level, twins are always connected and it is impossible to stop from sharing love and connecting through dreams, emotions, thoughts, etc…this is just the way that it is. 7dust, I will answer your question in more detail soon and will post a link to the response.

  37. Gabriella, but at the same time 7dust’s TS is running away from her (in her dream) where is his unconditional love? maybe I’m new to understand this but isn’t unconditional love between TS mutually?

  38. Lillith,

    Thank you for your question, this is what our mind is trying to understand while our heart already knows that unconditional love just loves without any expectations, conditions or limitations. That would mean that we love knowing that the love is always there, even when it seems that it is not being received. Love is the only force that can heal anything that doesn’t seem like love…love can help to heal fear, and running away from an intense deep love stems from a fear, or rather many. The best thing that one can do when they are aware of the twin and the twin is not consciously choosing union in that moment, is to love themselves, continue to send love to the twin (without expectations – I will give love only if you show me love) and to bring happiness into their own experience in every moment, knowing that there is no separation from the twin (even when the physical bodies are not next to each other) and also knowing that they are responsible for bringing happiness into any relationship or encounter. Keep watching my blog posts…and stay tuned for my second book due out next year as this will be shared on in much detail there.

  39. hi, i met my twin, in 2005, ihad been merging with him since 2004 on wards in a reacurring astral experience. he was wrting a letter which he gave to me. we danced together, and he had no face till i met him in 2005, then it was quite a shock. we carnt be together yet, but we merge all the time usually just before or on the full moon, which is very powerul very vivid, in which i see him stood next tome i see his eyes his hair his face so clearly, i oftern wake up emotional and at a loss beause i do not want to leave him. we have had two past lives together which i clearly remember in victorian time, which i was his young wife i dream of this quite alot and when im dancing to music its like he is aware and in my third eye he is standing behind me. we telepathically link with out words i have had the same syptoms as he we have the same features both blonge long hair both oval faces both have blue eyes and small in height. some peole have mistaken us for same brother or preesant iam recieving alot of info from spirit, and other member s of my soul group one of which is a friend the other was a past life lover and the other was married to me in egypt these being my soulmates. we all know what the other is thinking and feeling, and when i merge with one of them i feel or see the othe aswell at a distance or standing just behind us. i have visions of my twin alot when im really happy and i now where he is most of the time all i do is connect and images come up.i know soon we are going to be together this year i feel us geting closer and closer every day i know iam very lucky to have met him and this inspires me to keep going and spurs me on .

  40. Lillith, That was actually of two dreams I’ve every tried to find him in. Curiously enough, a week later, after I saw him in person, I had a dream that he ran after me. I also had another dream recently where we were hanging out in a specific city, and woke up to hear that he was traveling through that city the very same day. So normally, I don’t tried to find him in dreams…we just end up in the same spot.

  41. Hello, I was hoping maybe you can help me gain some insight in my situation. I believe I have met my twin flame recently. There are some flaws in the entire thing which makes me logically think that this could not be a twin flame encounter but there is something else saying that it is all that it could be. Here’s what happened, met a guy both of us are going through divorces, i don’t believe either one of us has even filed but I am not sure on his side exactly. Anyway the first night i met him I can not even remember because I was beyond drunk, had a rough divorce night and got way carried away. I found out about our conversations through other people who were that night. I didn’t think much about it besides that it was very out of character for me to act and flirt that way with a guy I don’t know when I am still technically married. anyway a week later I seen him again at one of his shows and he waved at me and when he did my heart stopped, I don’t think I could even breathe. It took a lot to just to reply with a simple hand wave back but I was smiling ear to ear, after the show he came up to me and hugged me and we accidentally grabbed each others hands, I don’t think either one of us intended to but we were holding hands. That encounter was cut short from some outside events and then I didn’t see him for another 3 weeks, the next time I seen him we were all drinking and hanging out and we were flirting with each other face to face half hugging each other and talking, we were in the middle of talking and laughing when we made intense eye contact. I don’t remember anything we were saying but when we made that eye contact it seemed like everything around us disappeared and went to black, I felt like I was staring right at myself in a man’s body and I got the feeling that he had known everything about me since I was born. His eyes even seemed to change colors and swirling in front of me (which I haven’t found anything about so maybe I AM crazy!!!!) it was the craziest thing I have ever experienced, and it was very scary we both let go of each other and went in other directions. We also always seem to be searching for each other if we can’t see the other one, we have found each other just walking around a few times now and I know I am looking for him so assumed he was looking for me. However, I can’t really relate to me knowing him like all of this states I should because I can’t tell you anything about him besides his name but I do feel extreme comfort with him which isn’t normal for me. My flaws I am finding are the fact that we are both in marriages, even though they are ending, and also from what I am reading both of the twins should be evolved upon the meeting and I don’t feel like I am in a state right now for my twin flame. We are now separated hundreds of miles apart (i do feel like I have lost or am missing something) Problem is, I was already disconnected from the world and lost in my own problems, I feel like I have too many mental and emotional blocks up for this to happen. SO i guess what insight I want to know is how exactly do I start my path to evolving and being able to get myself out of these blocks? I am not sure where to even start, and even if this wasn’t a TF encounter I think this will benefit me and my healing from my divorce (who I have also completely emptied emotions out for after this meeting, before it was a tug of war on rather to stay or leave) I do not have any dreams of him but he does seems familiar to me. I also am not real confident in the fact that we are twin flames, I have read several times that I will just know but I feel like I am hyper-romanticizing eye contact and making a guy who just thinks I am attractive into someone who loves me unconditionally from the moment I said hi?? So any books, references, articles, advice anything will help. I would love to know if you believe this was a TF encounter or not but I am mostly worried about how to be more in tune with myself so if it was indeed a twin flame encounter then maybe I can still get my act together and try to be with him or at least connected to him a little easier when we are apart like this. I also have the feeling of being in a relationship with him, as if we were together before. We have never even said hi i like you or anything of the sort but I feel as if i am in a committed relationship with him. Thank you for any information.

  42. I saw that you were asking people what they were feeling when this stuff happened so thought I should include that for further insight. When we waved hello we were about 20 feet away from each other but I felt a complete sense of safety around me, I felt secure although I have pretty bad social anxiety and it was going through the roof this night. When we hugged each other or held hands it was complete comfort for me, the only emotion I can really describe for all that is excitement really. When we made eye contact and I felt like he was “reading” all about my life and all the things I have done I felt immediately guilty and like I wanted to shield him from it all, I then felt very uncomfortable, guilty, ashamed and scared. Is this because I am not ok with where I am at in my life or is this because I have mistaken this for a twin flame encounter?