I Love You
Follow ~by Selene Aswell I love you. Do you know what that means? It means that, when I feel you, I feel the vibration of Love, the vibration which is the essence of all things. It means that, when I …
Follow ~by Selene Aswell I love you. Do you know what that means? It means that, when I feel you, I feel the vibration of Love, the vibration which is the essence of all things. It means that, when I …
Follow There is no sadness in surrendering for in surrendering you allow the natural divine order to unfold as it is meant to. If you are feeling sad in the process of surrender, it is because you are feeling separation …
Follow Q. Is it possible to meet your twin flame on the other gender (woman with man) but finding your romantic love partner in a person of the same gender (woman with woman)? Is it possible that even if we …
Twin Flames Meeting and Loving in Various Limitless Forms Read more »
Follow You don’t have to figure it all out right now, in this moment. Let pieces fall away as others rise into place. Know that everything is moving where it needs to be. You are meant to balance your desire …
Follow It’s all about the love. When you find yourself holding onto something against someone, remember to balance it back to love. Through this experience of my uncle going through a liver transplant at the point of REALLY needing one …
Follow Truly a medicine I take every day in some dosage! I recommend it to all of you. Share something funny today. See something as funny today. Laugh for no apparent reason.
Follow Q. I have been going through a big transition for the past couple of months. It seems that I am moving back into my feminine core at a rapid rate. Well, let me start it all this way. At …
Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies Within which are Reflected Around You Read more »
Follow I’ll meet you under the covers where we’ll immerse ourselves in the dark. I’ll hold you there and paint you a love story until you feel the spark. We are the creators of this world my love. We …
Follow ~ by Gabriella Hartwell When you come to me, in your various guises, I know you. This force flows through me as I’m transfixed to the spot, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to listen to anything other …
Follow As you be love and allow yourself to be loved, you are embodying the BELOVED energy, which is the Source of creation ~ GOD. When you connect the love within you to the love within your beloved (in form), …
Trinity within Infinity ~ Awakening Your Beloved Energy in Remembrance of Your Divinity Read more »