Moving In and Within LOVE
I have feeling for a while now about the concept of running away from the Beloved. What I’ve come to find in my experience is that there is never a running away. Running away implies that there is separation. There …
I have feeling for a while now about the concept of running away from the Beloved. What I’ve come to find in my experience is that there is never a running away. Running away implies that there is separation. There …
Through my own personal journey towards and with love, I’ve uncovered and remembered love. Love doesn’t follow blindly the instructions or actions of others, but moves in grace with the feelings inside as companions. Love doesn’t tag along for the …
Love Invites You to Remember Its Infinite Presence Read more »
Let Go of Why in Resistance into the Why of Observation. Ask, “how can I be love now?” and “How am I receiving love now?” “I don’t know” surrenders you to the experience and to the moment in a profound …
Insights Along the Twin Flame Journey of Divine Love and Life Read more »
Time upon time, I have intended to bring my heart onto the paper so that it may trickle out to the cosmos, embracing everyone in the sweet remembrance of eternal love. Then, when I feel the pressure from within my …
Vibrations Aligning for the Birthing of my Second Book Read more »
Q. Do you believe that male Twin Flames take longer to have a spiritual awakening when the two twin flames physically meet, and is it true that after 50 a man becomes more spiritual? A. The twin flame journey brings …
Twin Flames Awaken to the Truth of Divine Love Parallel to Each Other Read more »
*This is a written post by my dear friend, Polona Somrak, in love and light. I resonate so deeply with all that she has written, for I feel that is where we are guided to…to give of and receive our …
Q. Is constant surrendering , BEing, all you need to do to have them come around at the divine time? Does this rejection happen often on the twin flame journey? A. There is nothing that you have to do but …
Surrender into the Divine Flow of the Perfection That Is Read more »
Q. Dear Gabriella, I have met you through a person that has talked to me about you. I found your page so interesting and attractive. For months I read your posts and finally I understood that the person I have …
All is Revealed Within When you Connect to the Beloved Energy Read more »
Q. I wonder why TF relationships come so later on into life. Would it not be great if TF relationships fructify at a younger age and happier couples create more stability and happiness all round ! Can we not have …
There has been a myriad of happenings within our lives up to this point which have brought us many opportunities to go deeply within, to connect with the love flowing through us, so that we can balance the vibration of …